The evolution of shock waves in a viscoplastic bar with variable section
摘要: 讨论了粘塑性变截面杆中的一维应力波传播规律。在粘塑性本构理论框架的基础上,利用特征关系和冲击波阵面上的突跃条件,得出了冲击波在传播过程中的演化规律,包括其微分方程和解析表达式,并对Bodner和Johnson-Cook材料和不同收缩形式的杆中冲击波的演化规律进行了讨论,同时计算和讨论了杆中冲击波后方应力波传播规律的特点。Abstract: This paper discusses the propagation of one-dimensional stress waves in a viscoplastic bar with variable section. Based on the constitutive relation theory which includes internal variables, combining with the characteristic relations and the jump conditions across a shock wave, the evolution rules, indudins their differential equations and the analytical expressions, are obtained. For examples, the shock wave evolution rules in bars with Bodner and Johnson-Cook materials and different section-varying forms are discussed. The propagation rules and characteristics of stress waves behind the shock front are also calculated and discussed.
Key words:
- solid mechanics /
- evolution rules /
- shock waves /
- viscoplastic bar
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