Motion features of flying plates of double-layer wedged explosive reactive armor
摘要: 根据单层爆炸反应装甲(explosive reactive armor, ERA)飞板运动规律,建立了双层楔形ERA飞板的运动模型。利用该模型对双层楔形ERA各飞板的运动规律进行分析,由此计算出飞板之间相互作用的时间。采用X光脉冲闪光测试系统对相应的实验进行记录,结果表明:根据理论模型计算结的相互作用时间与实验测得数据吻合较好,且双层平行ERA较单层ERA的飞板相互作用时间提高了5倍,双层楔形ERA的飞板相互作用时间又较双层平行ERA的提升38%。
- 爆炸力学 /
- 飞板运动 /
- 脉冲X光实验 /
- 双层楔形爆炸反应装甲
Abstract: Based on the research about the flying-plate motion features of the single-layer explosive reactive armor, those of the double-layer explosive reactive armor were systematically analyzed and a model was developed to describe the flyingplate motion features of the double-layer wedged explosive reactive armor. By applying the developed model, the flying-plate motion features of single-layer, double parallel and double-layer wedged explosive reactive armors were theoretically explored and the corresponding action times of the applied fields were calculated, respectively. And the calculated results were verified by flash X-ray tests. The calculated results are in agreement with the experimental results. The applied field action time of the double-parallel explosive reactive armor is five times longer than that of the single-layer explosive reactive armor. And the applied field action time of the double-layer wedged explosive reactive armor is 38 percent longer than that of the double-parallel explosive reactive armor. 期刊类型引用(8)
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