Security and reliability of a self-destructive device
摘要: 为了研究集束弹药自毁装置的安全性与可靠性,分析和评价自毁装置设计,对自毁装置进行了理论抽象,建立了自毁装置安全性失效模型; 引入信息论方法,建立了抽象自毁装置顺序控制起爆信息输出量和顺序时间窗控制起爆信息输出量模型; 对典型的M85子弹药引信、XM1161引信、M230SD引信安全性及可靠性进行了分析。理论分析表明,M230SD引信安全性及可靠性优于XM1161引信、M85子弹药引信,与实验结果一致。Abstract: The self-destructive device in clustermunitions was theoretically abstracted to establish a security failure model for investigating its security and reliability and evaluating the corresponding design.Based on informationism, twomodels were proposed for the output parameters of the detonation informations with sequential control and time-window sequential control, respectively.And the security and reliability of the M85 submunition fuze were anzlyzed aswell as the XM1161 fuze and the M230SD fuze.The theoretical analyse shows that the security and reliability of the M230SD fuze is better than those of the XM1161 fuze and the M230SD fuze.It is in agreementwith the experimental results.
表 1 安全性与可靠性结果比较
Table 1. The results of safety and reliability
引信 环境识别器 保险器 状态控制器 爆炸元件 Pe0SD/10-6 IM PT/% M85子弹药引信 飘带 飘带 滑块 雷管 3.95 log22 < 94.72 XM1161引信 飘带 飘带 滑块、转子 雷管 3.92 log26 94.72 M230SD引信 电池 电池 处理器、电容 雷管 3.92 2+log22 99.83 -
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