摘要: 在1.28LMIKE3管内对不同浓度的片状铝粉-空气混合物进行最小点火能测试;基于统计分析的Logistic回归模型,采用用以概率表示粉尘云最小点火能的计算方法,借助SPSS统计分析软件计算得到各浓度下片状铝粉点火概率随能量的分布曲线。研究结果表明:片状铝粉的最小点火能随浓度的增大先迅速减小后保持在一定的能量范围内,其爆炸敏感度比普通球状铝粉更高;与采用其他方法的计算结果相比,以概率表示特定物质的最小点火能更符合实际情况。Abstract: The minimum ignition energies of flake aluminum dust-air mixtures with different mass concentrations were tested in a 1.28-L MIKE3tube.According to the logistic regression model based on statistical analysis, the minimum ignition energy of the dust cloud was presented by the probability of ignition success.And the ignition probability-energy curves of the flake aluminum dust with different mass concentrations were calculated by means of the SPSS statistical analysis software.The investigated results display that as the mass concentration of the aluminum dust in the mixture increases, the minimum ignition energy first decreases quickly and then keep in a certain energy range.And the explosion sensitivity of the flake aluminum is higher than ordinary spherical one.Compared with the results calculated by other standard methods, the minimum ignition energy presented by the probability of ignition success is more consistent with the engineering test.
表 1 不同浓度片状铝粉的最小点火能计算结果
Table 1. Calculation result of minimum ignition energy under various concentration of falke aluminium dust
m/g ρ/(g·m-3) β0 β1/mJ-1 Em/mJ p=5% p=10% p=50% 0.4 192.98 -11.527 0.569 15.08 16.40 20.26 0.7 412.05 -59.748 8.069 7.04 7.133 7.40 1.0 657.89 -6.499 1.407 2.53 3.06 4.62 1.3 578.95 -4.894 0.786 2.48 3.44 6.22 1.6 570.18 -3.547 0.533 1.13 2.55 6.65 1.9 631.58 -4.125 0.652 1.81 2.96 6.33 表 2 不同浓度片状铝粉点火实验结果
Table 2. Result of igintion test with different concentrations
E/mJ 点火成功与否 p* 192.98 g/m3 412.05 g/m3 570.18 g/m3 578.95 g/m3 631.58 g/m3 657.89 g/m3 4.06 N N Y N N Y 1/3 1.88 N N N N N N 0 -
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