Bar diameter effect of minimum loading strain rate in granite impacting tests by SHPB
摘要: 基于Steverding-Lehnigk脆性断裂准则,分析了半正弦应力波加载条件下SHPB杆径尺寸与导致花岗岩试样单次冲击破坏对应的最低应变率之间的关系。采用杆径分别为22、36、50和75 mm的SHPB实验系统对相应尺寸规格的花岗岩试样进行了应变率从高到低的冲击实验,讨论了花岗岩试样在单次冲击破坏情形下对应的最低应变率与实验杆径的相关性。理论和实验结果表明:岩石试样的最低加载应变率随着SHPB杆径的增大而以乘方关系减小,但当应变率低到100 s-1量级时,Hopkinson杆径已超过100 mm,增大Hopkinson杆径降低加载应变率的效果不再明显。Abstract: The relationship between elastic bar diameter of split Hopkinson pressure bar(SHPB) systems and the minimum strain rate causing rock failure under once impact with half-sine stress wave loads, is analyzed based on the Steverding-Lehnigk fracture criterion of brittle materials.The tests were carried out at different strain rates from high to low on the SHPB systems with different elastic bar diameters of 22, 36, 50 and 75 mm.Granite was used in these tests, and its size varies with the elastic bar diameter.The variation law of the lowest strain rate with the elastic bar diameter was discussed.The theoretical and experimental results show that the lowest strain rate of rock decreases with the increase of the elastic bar diameter in power relation.However, the bar diameter has already exceeded 100 mm when the strain rate decreases to the order of 10 0 s-1, and the effect of decreasing strain rate by increasing bar diameter turns to be less evident.
Key words:
- solid mechanics /
- bar diameter effect /
- SHPB test /
- strain rate
表 1 不同杆径条件下能导致岩石试样单次冲击破裂的加载应变率下限
Table 1. Strain rate lower limit in sample break under once impact corresponding to different-diameter bars
D0/mm 试样编号 ρ/(g·cm-3) k ε· /s-1 试样破损状态 22 22-1 2.65 0.59 159 贯通裂纹 22-2 2.65 0.68 121 贯通裂纹 22-3 2.65 0.58 169 贯通裂纹 22-4 2.65 0.57 159 贯通裂纹 36 36-1 2.64 0.56 90 贯通裂纹 36-2 2.63 0.52 85 贯通裂纹 36-3 2.64 0.47 76 碎裂成3块 50 50-1 2.65 0.52 45 碎裂成2块 50-2 2.65 0.51 53 贯通裂纹 50-3 2.65 0.53 63 贯通裂纹 50-4 2.65 0.53 47 贯通裂纹 75 75-1 2.66 0.50 41 碎裂成4块 75-2 2.65 0.49 48 贯通裂纹 -
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