摘要: 通过在单元交界面处进行高阶WENO重构,得到了一种求解双曲型守恒律方程的WENO型熵相容格式。用该格式对一维Burgers方程和Euler方程进行数值模拟,结果表明,该格式具有高精度、基本无振荡性等特点。
- 流体力学 /
- WENO型熵相容格式 /
- WENO重构 /
- 双曲守恒律
Abstract: Compared with entropy stable schemes, entropy consistent schemes control entropy production more exactly and effectively eliminate phenomena such as expansion shocks and spurious oscillations. By using WENO (weighted essentially non-oscillatory) reconstruction of higher order at cell interfaces, a WENO type entropy consistent scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws is presented. The one-dimentional Burgers equation and Euler equations are used to test the proposed scheme. The numerical experiments demonstrate that the scheme is accurate and essentially non-oscillatory. -
表 1 EC-WENO格式的数值精度
Table 1. Numerical accuracy of EC-WENO scheme
网格数 L1 精度阶 L∞ 精度阶 20 1.420 0×10-2 1.020 0×10-2 40 4.653 5×10-4 4.931 4 3.859 9×10-4 4.723 9 80 1.447 5×10-5 5.006 7 1.310 2×10-5 4.880 7 160 4.515 7×10-7 5.002 5 4.137 0×10-7 4.985 1 -
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