Effect of original packing on compression stress at the bottom of propellant bed
摘要: 为给发射装药发射安全性的评估提供关键数据,对不同初始堆积发射药床进行了挤压破碎实验,测得了发射药床底部的挤压应力。利用离散单元法,建立了发射装药挤压破碎动力学模型,对发射药床的挤压应力进行了计算。实验结果和计算结果吻合较好。随机堆积药床底部的挤压应力较一致,竖排堆积药床底部的挤压应力差异较大。Abstract: To provide the key data for evaluating the launch safety of propellant charge, dynamic compression fracture experiments were carried out for the propellant charges with different original packing modes.And the corresponding compression stresses at the bottoms of the propellant beds were obtained under the same loadings.By using the discrete element method, a dynamics model was proposed to simulate the compression fracture of the propellant charges.And the simulated compression stresses were in agreement with the experimental ones.The random packing mode did not obviously affect the compression stresses at the bottoms of the propellant beds, but when the propellants were packed in the plumb mode, the compression stresses at the bottoms of the propellant beds were markedly different.
Key words:
- mechanics of explosion /
- compression stress /
- dynamics compression /
- propellant bed /
- original packing
表 1 不同初始堆积的药床动态挤压破碎实验结果
Table 1. Experimental results of compression stress under different-packed propellant beds
发序 pmax/MPa ps/MPa 1 30.48 13.16 2 30.15 12.95 3 30.34 14.31 4 30.42 16.74 5 30.21 14.72 6 30.43 14.12 7 30.17 31.12 8 30.18 31.34 表 2 计算参数
Table 2. Simulation parameters
ρ/(kg·m-3) r/mm E/GPa ν Fs/kN Fc/kN Fv/kN μ Δt/μs t/ms 1.65×103 0.15 1.0 0.26 1.2 3.6 1.5 0.1 1 3.5 -
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