Penetration process of screw/seat ejection life-saving system through canopy:Numerical simulation
摘要: 拟针对战斗机微爆索预破碎座舱盖弹射救生系统中人/椅系统穿盖过程中弹射通道的畅通性,座舱盖的破坏模式以及人体重要部位的冲击损伤程度。考虑微爆索在舱盖内表面沿中央和四周2种不同的切割布局,建立人/椅系统撞击舱盖的解耦模型,采用非线性动态显式算法对穿盖过程进行了数值模拟。模拟结果表明:第2种布局较第1种布局更有利于形成畅通的弹射通道,也有助于减轻人体的损伤,同时给出2种布局切割槽深度的临界值。研究结果可为弹射救生系统的优化设计和安全生产提供可靠依据。Abstract: Aimed to an ejection life-saving system in combat aircraft with a canopy pre-damaged by miniature detonation cord, the followings were investigated as the accessibility of the ejection passageway, the damage modes of the canopy, and the impact injury degrees of the key human-body parts.The decoupled models were proposed for describing the impact of the aircrew/seat system into the canopy.In the proposed models, the two different layouts of the miniature detonation cord in the canopy were considered, i.e.Along the center of the canopy(the first layout)and around it(the second layout).Based on the above models, the process of the aircrew/seat system penetrating through the canopy was numerically simulated by using the nonlinear dynamics explicit algorithm.And the critical depths of the cutting slots were obtained for the two layouts.The simulated results indicate that the second layout is more helpful for generating an unobstructed passageway and relieving human impact injury than the first layout.
表 1 Hybrid Ⅲ假人颈部材料模型及参数
Table 1. Material models and parameters of neck for HybridⅢ dummy
部位 材料模型 ρ/(kg·m-3) K/GPa E/GPa ν G0/GPa G∞/GPa β 颈椎肌肉 黏弹性 1 250 0.002 3 - - 0.007 5 0.002 1.0 颈椎 刚性 2 700 - 70.00 0.31 - - - 颈部皮肤 2 700 7.000 0 0.31 - - - - 气管 线弹性 1 250 - 4.30 0.31 - - - -
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