Wounding effects of three kinds of small caliber rifle cartridges
摘要: 探讨小口径枪弹的杀伤性能,将SS109 5.56mm、M74 5.45mm、87式5.8mm等3种小口径步枪弹结构特点、性能参数及明胶中运动规律进行了对比评测;以明胶为组织模拟物开展了步枪弹侵彻靶标实验,并对3种步枪弹侵彻明胶实验数据进行对比分析。分析结果表明,我国87式5.8mm普通弹杀伤性能优于SS109 5.56mm和M74 5.45mm步枪弹,较好验证了理论分析结果。Abstract: To research the wounding effects of small caliber rifle cartridges, the following cartridges were chosen as the investigated objectives:the 5.56×45 mm NATO, 5.45×39 mm and 5.8×42 mm DBP 87 rifle cartridges.A series of theoretical analyses were performed for the above cartridges on their structural characteristics, performance parameters and motion in gelatin.The corresponding experiments were carried out for the cartridges penetrating into gelatin targets and the experimental results were discussed.The wounding effect of the 5.8×42 mm DBP 87 rifle cartridge was the best among the three kinds of small caliber rifle cartridges, which was consistent with the theoretical analyses.
表 1 弹头结构参数
Table 1. Parameters of rifle bullet structure
弹型 m/g d/mm l/mm Ib/(kg·m2) SS109 5.56 mm 4.00 5.70 23.0 1.120×10-7 M74式5.45 mm 3.45 5.63 25.4 1.367×10-7 87式5.8 mm 4.20 6.01 24.5 1.381×10-7 表 2 弹头运动参数
Table 2. Parameters of rifle bullet motion
弹型 v0/(m·s-1) E/J i λ λs SS109 5.56 mm 925 1 711 1.01 4.04 9.0 M74式5.45 mm 900 1 397 0.94 4.51 11.0 87式5.8 mm 950 1 873 0.95 4.08 9.5 表 3 弹头在明胶靶中能量的传递
Table 3. Transferred energy of cartridge in the process of penetrating in gelatin
弹型 E/kJ ΔE/kJ η/% SS109 5.56 mm 1.388 1.08 78 M74式5.45 mm 1.349 1.11 82 87式5.8 mm 1.508 1.25 83 -
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