Propagation of shock waves in protective structures with holes under contact explosive loads
摘要: 采用有限元分析软件ATUODYN,对接触爆炸荷载作用下带孔防护结构内冲击波的传播进行了数值模拟,得到了防护结构孔口和内部中心处冲击波超压-时间曲线;分析了炸药量和爆心距孔口距离对防护结构内部超压、正压冲量的影响;以数值计算结果为基础,结合量纲分析,拟合得到了结构内部中心处爆炸冲击波特征参数的预估公式。Abstract: The finite element code, AUTODYN, was used to numerically simulate the propagation of the shock wave in the protective structure with holes under contact explosive loads.The overpressuretime curves were obtained for the shock waves around the orifice and in the center of the protective structure, respectively.The effects of the explosive charge weight and the blast center distance on the overpressure and impulse in the protective structures were analyzed.And based on the numerical calculation, the prediction formulas for the characteristic parameters were achieved by applying the dimensional analysis method.
Key words:
- mechanics of explosion /
- overpressure /
- shock wave /
- protective structure /
- contact explosion /
- impulse
表 1 不同工况下,结构内部中心处(测点1)冲击波的峰值超压和正压冲量
Table 1. The maximum overpressures and the positive pressure impulse of the shock waves in the center of the structure(the gaging point 1)
工况 x/m m/kg Δpmax/kPa I/(kPa·ms) 1 0.1 1 37.335 48.986 2 0.1 2 74.803 75.295 3 0.1 4 143.524 145.473 4 0.1 8 236.057 294.815 5 0.2 1 19.280 25.333 6 0.2 2 32.664 42.250 7 0.2 4 72.159 66.803 8 0.2 8 144.075 133.857 9 0.4 1 13.827 19.713 10 0.4 2 19.716 26.836 11 0.4 4 30.745 43.958 12 0.4 8 50.812 63.402 13 0.8 1 11.581 19.290 14 0.8 2 18.703 25.821 15 0.8 4 23.837 41.739 16 0.8 8 35.539 49.389 -
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