摘要: 针对局部布点测试不能全面了解冲击波传播过程的不足,以及冲击波超压经验公式的局限性,采用网络化测试技术获取冲击波信号,以计算机层析成像技术为基础,利用加权广义逆反演算法对爆炸冲击波速度场进行反演,根据峰值超压与速度的关系得到峰值超压场分布。经一定测试范围内实验验证,峰值超压重建结果优于经验公式计算结果。Abstract: Aiming at the shortcoming that the measurement of part points can not acquire the propagation process of shock wave overall and the limitations of the empirical formulae for overpressure, this paper utilizes the weighted generalized inversion to inverse the velocity field of shock wave, acquires the overpressure distribution according to the relationship of peak overpressure and velocity.The inversion results are preferable to the empirical results by experimental confirmation in limitative area.
表 1 重建及经验公式计算结果与实测值的偏差分析
Table 1. Deviation comparison of reconstruction and empirical formula results with experiment value
r/m pm/MPa pm, e/MPa pm, r/MPa $\frac{{\left| {{p_{{\rm{m}},{\rm{r}}}} - {p_{{\rm{m}},{\rm{e}}}}} \right|}}{{{p_{{\rm{m}},{\rm{e}}}}}}/\% $ $\frac{{\left| {{p_{\rm{m}}} - {p_{{\rm{m}},{\rm{e}}}}} \right|}}{{{p_{{\rm{m}},{\rm{e}}}}}}/\% $ 1.5 5.917 0 5.341 0 5.862 0 9.75 10.78 4.0 0.836 2 1.108 0 1.070 6 3.38 24.53 8.0 0.161 0 0.278 1 0.289 1 3.96 42.11 10.0 0.100 5 0.192 0 0.188 1 2.03 47.66 12.0 0.070 1 0.135 5 0.139 8 3.17 48.27 14.0 0.052 5 0.107 0 0.102 0 4.67 50.93 16.0 0.041 4 0.082 0 0.084 5 3.05 49.51 -
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