Shock test platform design of gun breech system based on kinetic energy theorem
摘要: 针对火炮射击条件下炮闩系统性能数据测量困难,提出将炮闩系统单独出来建立系统冲击试验台进行分析研究的思路。在确定了试验台设计原理的前提下,通过对自动开闩虚拟样机模型进行改进,建立了试验台原理模型。依据动能定理,确定了炮闩系统冲击试验台实现开闩所需的最小开闩力。在最小开闩力下,基于试验台原理模型分别对开闩板质量取初始值m、10m、50m、100m时进行模拟实验,结果表明:4种工况下皆未实现开闩,但随着开闩板质量的增加,外力做功损失的能量越小,曲柄转过角度越大,越容易实现开闩。研究结果可为试验台建立提供理论支撑。Abstract: It is hard to performe measurement of breech system under condition of gun shooting. The idea, treating the system separately to establish shock test platform, is presented. With the design principle determined, the principle model of the shock test platform was established through the improvement on automatic breechblock operating virtual prototype model. The minimum force for shock test platform to open breechblock is determined based on the conservation theorem of kinetic energy. Under the minimum breechblock operating force, the simulation tests are performed based on the principle model when the mass of the breechblock operating cam has original values ofm, 10m, 50m or 100m separately. The results show that it is impossible to operate breechblock under the four working conditions. However, as the mass of breechblock operating cam increases, the losing energy du to the work of the force decreases and the rotation angle of the crank lever increases, which makes the open breechblock easier. The research provides theory support for test platform establishment.
表 1 不同工况下开闩参数
Table 1. Parameters of breechblock operating under different working conditions
M ts/s ta/s θmax/(°) m 0.047 0.153 19.2 10m 0.140 0.353 47.1 50m 0.314 0.511 87.6 100m 0.444 0.542 93.6 表 2 外力做功
Table 2. Work of the force
M Smax/mm W/J W1/J η/% m 255.0 132.1 19.2 14.5 10m 297.7 154.3 62.7 40.6 50m 355.6 184.3 147.3 79.9 100m 362.2 187.7 163.2 86.9 -
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