Effects of water medium on charge mass for demolishing steel plate underwater explosion
摘要: 为分析水介质对水中钢板爆破装药量的影响,理论推导了钢板背衬水介质条件下,钢板爆破最小装药量与空气中钢板爆破最小装药量的倍数关系:最小倍数关系为3.76。数值计算了钢板背衬空气介质和背衬水介质情形下钢板爆破的最小装药量,其倍数关系在3.5左右,与理论结果相近,表明钢板背衬水介质或空气介质是决定装药量大小的关键因素。数值计算了装药在空气介质中及水介质中钢板爆破爆轰产物对钢板的冲量大小,结果接近,表明水介质对炸药爆轰产物的约束作用是影响水中钢板装药量的次要因素。Abstract: To study the effect of water on charge mass for demolishing steel plate, the relationship of charge mass between steel plate backing on air and backing on water is analyzed. The results show that the charge mass for backing on water is 3.68 times the charge mass for backing on air. The charge mass is calculated with FEM method for explosions with steel plate backing on air and water. The results show that the charge mass for steel plate backing on air is 3.5 times the charge mass for steel plate backing on water, which is accordant with theoretical analysis. So the medium that steel plate backs on is the key factor for determing charge mass of cutting steel plate. The impulses on steel plate are almost equal for backing on air and backing on water, which indicates that the water constraining force on the detonation products can not afeect the charge mass much.
Key words:
- mechanics of explosion /
- water medium /
- underwater explosion /
- charge mass /
- contact explosion
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