One parameter-obtained method for JWL equation of state considered detonation parameters
摘要: 利用数值模拟和理论计算分析了炸药JWL状态方程参数与爆轰参数封闭的重要性;获得了利用圆筒实验测试结果计算炸药爆轰产物绝热等熵指数和爆压的方法;建立了与爆轰参数封闭的JWL状态方程参数的确定方法,并依据公布的圆筒实验数据,应用于两种典型炸药JWL状态方程参数的确定,获得的参数与炸药爆轰参数严格封闭,数值模拟结果与实验结果一致性好,表明炸药JWL参数确定方法合理可靠。Abstract: In this paper, the method of obtaining parameters for JWL equation of state is investigated. The importance of JWL parameters considered detonation parameters is analyzed using simulation and theoretical calculation. Isentropic adiabatic index and detonation pressure of detonation product are calculated according to cylinder test. The methodology process for obtaining JWL parameters of ideal detonation product considered detonation parameters is established. The JWL parameters of two typical explosive are obtained with the application of this method according to published cylinder experimental result. The results of numerical simulation agree with the cylinder test so that the JWL parameters are reasonable and reliable.
表 1 数值模拟与实验结果对比
Table 1. Results of experiment and simulation
表 2 数值模拟与实验结果对比
Table 2. Results of experiment and simulation
(R-R0)/mm V vr/(km·s-1) δvr/% 实验 本文1 本文2 本文1 本文2 首跳 - 0.882 1.001 0.998 13.49 13.15 6 2.2 1.598 1.588 1.562 -0.63 -2.25 12.5 4.1 1.703 1.720 1.696 1.00 -0.41 19 6.5 1.762 1.756 1.760 -0.34 -0.11 25 9.0 1.783 1.784 1.786 0.06 0.17 (R-R0)/mm V Ecu/(kJ·kg -1) δEcu/% 实验 本文1 本文2 本文1 本文2 首跳 - 389 501 498 28.79 28.02 6 2.2 1 277 1 261 1 220 -1.25 -4.46 12.5 4.1 1 450 1 479 1 438 2.00 -0.83 19 6.5 1 552 1 542 1 549 -0.64 -0.19 25 9.0 1 590 1 591 1 595 0.06 0.31 -
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