Influence of additives on the coverage degree and mechanical sensitivity of RDX
摘要: 采用接触角测定仪测定了添加不同助剂的黏结剂溶液表面张力,以及在RDX炸药颗粒表面的接触角,通过扫描电镜图像、X射线能谱和样品的机械感度评价样品的表面包覆情况。分析了铺展系数、黏附功与包覆度、特性落高的关系,发现包覆度随铺展系数的增大而增大,随黏附功的增大而减小,说明铺展系数越大、黏附功越小,对润湿包覆越有利。且包覆度越大,特性落高越大,机械感度越低。扫描电镜研究结果表明,包覆后样品表面有一层均匀的橡胶薄膜。XPS分析结果表明,未添加助剂时的包覆度为16.85%,添加增黏剂和表面活性剂后样品包覆度可提高到95.41%。机械感度结果也表明,添加合适的助剂后特性落高由11.47 cm提高到25.12 cm,摩擦感度也明显降低。Abstract: The surface tension of binder containing different additives and the contact angle with RDX were measured by a contact angle meter. The coating quality is evaluated according to the micro-images acquired by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the spectrum by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and the impact sensitivity of the samples. The spreading coefficient (S) and adhesive work (W12) were calculated, and then the dependence of the coverage degree (R) on S and W12 were analyzed. The results show that R increased with the increase of S, and reduced with the increase of W12. It indicates that the better coating quality comes with the bigger S and the smaller W12. And the lower mechanical sensitivity comes with the greater coverge degree. The results of SEM show that a thin layer of film was formed on the surface of RDX. The results of XPS show that the additives can raise the coverage degree from 16.85% to 95.41%. The results of impact sensitivity show that the additives can raise the characteristic fall distance from 11.47 cm to 25.12 cm, and significantly reduce friction sensitivity.
Key words:
- mechanics of explosion /
- surface coating /
- additives /
- RDX /
- mechanical sensitivity
表 1 包覆样品组分含量
Table 1. The content of coating samples
样品 w/% 样品 w/% RDX 黏接剂 增黏剂 卵磷脂 6#添加剂 RDX 黏接剂 增黏剂 卵磷脂 6#添加剂 1 98.0 2.0 - - - 4 97.8 2.0 - - 0.2 2 97.8 2.0 0.2 - - 5 97.6 2.0 0.2 0.2 - 3 97.8 2.0 - 0.2 - 6 97.6 2.0 0.2 - 0.2 表 2 黏结剂溶液在RDX表面的铺展系数和黏附功
Table 2. The spreading coefficient and adhesive work of binder with RDX
样品 rl-g/(mN·m-1) θ/(°) S W12/(mJ·m-2) 1 26.364 8 35.54 -4.911 5 47.818 1 2 16.466 3 31.46 -2.420 5 30.512 1 3 14.565 6 26.14 -1.489 8 27.641 4 4 12.636 9 25.94 -1.273 1 24.000 7 5 11.035 6 24.60 -1.001 6 21.069 6 6 10.131 7 23.71 -0.855 2 19.408 2 表 3 包覆样品包覆度和机械感度
Table 3. The coverage degree and impact sensitivity of coating samples
样品 R/(%) H50/cm f/% 样品 R/% H50/cm f/% 1 16.85 11.47 68 4 72.04 19.95 24 2 54.66 18.84 32 5 87.80 20.73 28 3 66.18 19.20 36 6 95.41 25.12 16 -
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