Energy absorption of pre-folded origami under low speed impact
摘要: 为了降低结构的初始载荷、增加有效塑性变形面积,进而提高其吸能效率,研究一种以新型的预折纹管,在普通管的管壁上引入特别设计的折角。基于有限元软件ABAQUS/EXPLICIT的数值分析验证了预折纹在低速冲击载荷作用下可以引导预期的大变形模式,预折纹管的这种大变形模式相较于普通方管的对称变形模式有更低峰值载荷和更高的平均载荷。通过低速落锤实验获得了与有限元模拟结果相似的载荷-位移曲线和变形模式,验证了数值结果的可信性和预折纹方管的高效吸能特点。Abstract: A new type of creased square tube specifically designed with some folded lobes added at the wall of ordinary square tube is studied inorder not only to reduce the initial loading, but also to enhance the effective plastic area distortion which leads to a higher energy absorption efficiency. The numerical results based on the FEM package ABAQUS /EXPLICIT verify that the pre-folds could lead the pre-folded origami to the expected large deformation mode under low speed impact, which effectively reduce the peak load and also improve the average load of load-displacement curve compared with ordinary square tubes. The load-displacement curve obtained by FEM is identical to the results of low droped hammer test, which verifies the credibility of the numerical results as well as the high energy absorption characteristics of the tube.
表 1 普通方管和预折纹管的比较结果
Table 1. Comparison result between the pre-folded origami and the ordinary square tube
结构 Fp/kN S2/kN2 Fm/kN ηCFE 普通方管(数值) 45.99 24.63 14.47 0.31 普通方管(实验) 88.86 46.78 15.41 0.17 预折纹管(数值) 25.40 12.25 19.85 0.78 预折纹管(实验) 27.77 14.61 20.83 0.75 -
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