Material key parameters measurement method in the dynamic tensile testing at intermediate strain rates
摘要: 通过高速液压伺服材料试验机进行金属材料的中等应变率动态拉伸力学性能测试。为获取精确的动态拉伸载荷数据,提出了一种拉伸载荷的间接测量方法,在不改变试验机原有结构的情况下,解决了试验机自带载荷传感器测试数据在塑性段振荡导致材料真正动力学行为被掩盖的问题;通过数字图像相关的非接触测量方式进行动态拉伸应变的测量。实验验证表明,提出的载荷和应变测试方法可实现金属材料动态拉伸试验中的力学性能参数测试。Abstract: In order to obtain dynamic tensile mechanical properties of metal materials under intermediate strain rate with servo-hydraulic machine, an indirect measurement method without changing the original structure of the testing maching is proposed to achieve accurate dynamic tensile load. The authentic dynamic behaviors are acquired at the plastic stage due to the oscillations of test data measured by the load cell integrated to the machine. In addition, the measurement of strain is solved in a non-contact mode relating to the digital image correlation method. The testing results indicate that both solutions developed in this paper can successfully test the mechanical properties in the dynamic tensile tests of metal materials.
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