The number of circumferential fragments of a cylindrical shell subjected to internal explosive loading
摘要: 基于有限长度柱壳的Gurney速度公式,以壳体平均半径估算平均应变率,同时考虑壳体剪切断裂时的断裂面长度与径向壁厚的差异,对Grady-Kipp方法进行了修正,得到柱壳剪切断裂模式下环周分裂数的完整表达式。利用修正方法分析得到的环周分裂数计算结果与实验数据分析结果符合更好。以20号低碳钢柱壳为例,对其在TNT爆炸加载下的膨胀断裂进行了三维数值模拟,得到的环周分裂数模拟结果与实验结果符合较好。Abstract: Based on the Gurney velocity formula for cylindrical shells with finite length, the average strain rate was estimated by the average radius of the shell. And by taking into account the differences between the shear fracture surface length of the shell and the radial thickness, the Grady-Kipp method was modified to give a full expression for the number of the circumferential fragments of the cylindrical shell. The number of the circumferential fragments number calculated by the modified Grady-Kipp method can better match with the experimental result than one by the Grady theory. The 20# low-carbon steel was taken as an example to numerically simulate the expansion and fracture of low-carbon steel shells under TNT explosion loading. The numbers of the circumferential fragments of the low-carbon steel shells by numerical simulation are in agreement with the experimental one.
表 1 柱壳环周分裂数的三维数值模拟工况
Table 1. 3D numerical simulation conditions of circumferential fragments number
工况 r1/mm r2/mm le/mm L/mm 1 10 12 100 80 2 10 13.3 100 80 3 10 15 100 80 4 10 20 100 80 5 20 24 200 160 6 20 26.6 200 160 7 20 30 200 160 8 20 40 200 160 表 2 典型工况下柱壳环周分裂数
Table 2. Circumferential fragments number of typical conditions
工况 δd nθ 数值模拟 实验 1 1/12 33 2 1/8 28 3 1/6 27 4 1/4 21 5 1/12 42 6 1/8 36 7 1/6 30 28 8 1/4 22 -
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