Dynamic response of multi-layer steel cylinder under internal intense blast loading
摘要: 为评估内部爆炸作用下多层钢筒结构的防护效果,考察多层钢筒结构动态响应和变形吸能特征,采用两端开口、总厚度为50 mm的4层圆柱形Q345钢筒,在8.90~18.18 kg TNT药量下进行爆炸实验,并在容器外壁进行应变电测。实验后钢筒结构爆心局部发生塑性变形,内层钢筒变形最大,但未发生破坏。根据研究得到初步认识:采用爆心单位环面变形吸能的设计方法,可以较好地预估给定药量下所需钢筒的厚度;不同药量下,轴向距离超过多层钢筒结构的1/4内径后,其外壁环向变形峰值约减小为爆心截面环向应变峰值的1/2。Abstract: In order to evaluate the protective effect and analyze the dynamic response of multi-layer steel cylinder under internal blast loading, we have conducted four experiments, with three different charge mass, ranging from 8.90 to 18.18 kg. The multi-layer steel cylinder we used is composed of 4 layers made of Q345 steel. The 4 layers altogether are 50 mm in thickness, with the 3 inner ones as 10 mm and the outer one as 20 mm respectively. The diameter of the innermost layer is 800 mm and the distance between layers is 5 mm. At the section of charge center and 20 cm axial distance from the charge, the hoop strain and axial strain are measured by eight strain gauges set on the outside of steel shell. Under the blast loading, the plastic deformation occurred locally at the charge center, and the largest deformation appeared at the innermost layer. However, even in the circumstance of the largest charge mass, there is no failure. It is concluded that the thickness of the steel cylinder could be predicted accurately with the energy absorbing design method applied to the unit section of the charge center of the multi-layer steel cylinder. With a proper change in charge mass, the peak hoop strain can reduce to about 1/2 of the section at the charge center, when the axial distance is beyond the 1/4 diameter of the inner layer.
表 1 爆心位置的残余变形
Table 1. Residual strain of the explosion center
WTNT/kg L/mm l/mm εr1/% εr2/% 8.90 292.4 293.45 0.36 0.24 8.90 292.0 293.05 0.36 0.43 10.91 292.4 294.25 0.63 1.3 18.18 292.3 300.60 2.80 -
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