A study of vorticity characteristics of shock-flame interaction
摘要: 激波冲击火焰的现象涉及一系列复杂的物理化学过程,其中涡量的生成与演化对控制火焰发展起重要作用。为系统分析激波冲击火焰过程中的涡量特性,采用二维带化学反应的Navier-Stokes方程对平面入射激波及其反射激波与球形火焰作用的现象进行了数值研究,通过引入并行计算达到高网格分辨率的要求。计算结果表明,斜压项对火焰区内涡量生成起主导作用,压缩项和耗散项在火焰膨胀阶段抑制涡量生成,此外,火焰在激波压缩阶段主要受物理过程而非化学反应过程影响。Abstract: The phenomenon of shock wave interacting with a flame involves a series of complicated physical and chemical processes, in which the generation and evolution of vorticity play an important role in controlling flame development. To systematically analyze the vorticity characteristics in the course of shock-flame interaction, a numerical study of a planar incident shock wave and its reflected wave interaction with a spherical flame was carried out by using the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations coupled with chemical reaction, and the requirement of high-resolution grid was met via the parallel computation. It is found that the baroclinic term plays a dominant role in the generation of vorticity within the flame zone, and the compression and dissipation terms restrain the generation of vorticity in the flame expanding stages. Besides, in the compression stages, the evolution of flame is mainly affected by the physical-rather than chemical-process.
Key words:
- mechanics of explosion /
- vorticity /
- Navier-Stokes equations /
- flame /
- shock wave /
- baroclinic term
表 1 火焰区域内的环量计算结果
Table 1. Calculated results of circulation within flame region
激波运行阶段 Γ/(m2·s-1) PB YKZ 本文结果 入射阶段 20.37 8.79 10.81 反射阶段 9.60 9.63 -
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