Parameters for the material failure model based on Charpy impact test
摘要: 结合夏比冲击试验和ABAQUS显式动力数值模拟,对Q370d钢进行了Johnson-Cook失效模型参数研究。首先,在不考虑材料失效的情况下,通过3种不同厚度的无缺口试件冲击实验对有限元模型参数设置和材料本构模型的准确性进行了验证,同时还讨论了试件断裂区网格的合适尺寸;在此基础上,基于正交设计,通过大量的有限元数值模拟得到失效模型参数样本,利用回归分析求得冲击功与失效模型参数的回归方程组;最后结合夏比V型缺口冲击试验,求解Q370d钢的失效模型参数,并对断裂截面的力学特性进行了分析,可为工程应用提供参考。Abstract: This paper aims to obtain the parameters for the failure model based on the Charpy impact test, which has been widely used to study dynamic fracture properties of metallic materials. Based on the explicit dynamic finite element method in ABAQUS, FEM model of Charpy impact test was conducted. We began by discussing the accuracy of the parameters of JC constitutive model and the grid size of the fracture section of V-notch specimen. Then, based on the orthogonal design method, we designed a set of parameters for JC failure model and obtained using finite element calculation the samples of the parameters and impact energy. Next, we obtained the regression equations containing the parameters and impact energy by regression analysis and finally, by solving these regression equations, we achieved the comparatively accurate parameters for JC failure model for Q370d steel. These parameters will be useful for engineering applications and our method will be a valuable way to obtain parameters for other kinds of materials, especially without necessarily meeting the conditions of performing some tests.
表 1 标准试件的实验和数值模拟结果
Table 1. Experimental and simulated results of the standard specimens
W/mm Ak, exp/J Ak, num/J εAk/% dt, exp/mm dt, num/mm εdt/% dc, exp/mm dc, num/mm εdc/% lexp/mm lnum/mm εl/% 4 181.7 180.3 -0.8 6.86 7.26 5.8 2.52 2.69 6.7 24.93 23.89 -4.2 5 226.6 224.7 -0.8 8.17 8.71 6.6 3.22 3.39 5.3 25.37 24.04 -5.5 6 277.8 270.6 -2.6 9.40 9.94 5.7 3.91 4.09 4.6 25.33 23.87 -6.1 表 2 不同断裂区网格尺寸下的冲击功、摆锤冲击力
Table 2. Impact energy and pendulum forcein plane models with different mesh sizes
Δd/mm Ak1/J Ak2/j Fm/kN 0.300 14.69 9.45 0.417 0.200 14.69 8.12 0.334 0.100 14.78 7.14 0.277 0.075 14.81 7.36 0.291 0.050 14.81 6.99 0.275 表 3 JC失效模型的正交设计试验表
Table 3. Orthogonal design parameters for JC failure model
No. D1 D2 D3 Ak/J W=10 mm W=6 mm W=4 mm 1 0.15 3 -1.8 151.57 89.04 57.61 2 0.15 4 -2.2 130.82 79.83 53.25 3 0.15 5 -2.6 113.26 67.86 46.08 4 0.15 6 -3.0 95.71 56.69 38.84 5 0.15 7 -3.4 81.50 47.67 32.54 6 0.20 3 -2.6 97.34 56.13 44.43 7 0.20 4 -3.0 92.88 54.81 34.06 8 0.20 5 -3.4 91.53 48.69 33.76 9 0.20 6 -1.8 287.76 185.80 107.57 10 0.20 7 -2.2 253.14 160.20 100.67 11 0.25 3 -3.4 87.83 48.38 31.22 12 0.25 4 -1.8 232.39 137.77 84.92 13 0.25 5 -2.2 203.56 122.17 77.73 14 0.25 6 -2.6 169.53 103.94 67.87 15 0.25 7 -3.0 150.13 87.96 57.72 16 0.30 3 -2.2 160.57 91.74 57.25 17 0.30 4 -2.6 152.92 87.35 54.97 18 0.30 5 -3.0 141.67 80.70 50.92 19 0.30 6 -3.4 129.61 73.81 46.59 20 0.30 7 -1.8 288.63 193.92 114.43 21 0.35 3 -3.0 130.85 73.26 44.74 22 0.35 4 -3.4 128.04 71.75 43.96 23 0.35 5 -1.8 286.80 179.69 103.27 24 0.35 6 -2.2 268.54 162.92 98.42 25 0.35 7 -2.6 230.74 138.54 87.47 -
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