Fragments' velocity of eccentric warheadwith double symmetric detonators
摘要: 在极坐标下基于弹塑性基本方程建立了壳体膨胀的运动方程,且考虑了两点对称偏心起爆的碰撞效应,利用Whitham方法对两对称爆轰波的碰撞叠加进行了计算,得到了三波点的迹线、马赫波超压及马赫杆的高度等参数。通过联合求解,导出了马赫波区破片的初速计算公式,并利用AUTODYN软件进行了数值模拟,理论计算与数值模拟结果符合较好,验证了理论模型的可靠性。计算结果表明,两点对称偏心起爆时定向区破片初速增益超过30%,起爆点的夹角变化对破片的初速大小及飞散偏转影响并不明显。Abstract: Eccentric warhead is a typical directional warhead, and its explosive wave is adjusted to improve the fragments' velocity in a specified area. The kinematic equation of a case was established in the polar coordinate system, and the Whitham method was adopted to realize the interaction of a double symmetric explosive wave, thus obtaining the trace of the triple wave point, the pressure and the height of the Mach stick, which were then calculated. By the combination of the kinematic equation and the Mach reflection, formula were deduced to evaluate the fragments' velocity in the Mach area. Comparison of the results obtained with AUTODYN 2D simulation shows that they are in good agreement. Double symmetric initiations increase the fragment's velocity by more than 30%, and the variation of the angle between initiations has little effect on the fragments' distribution and velocity.
Key words:
- mechanics of explosion /
- Mach effects /
- AUTODYN software /
- eccentric initiation /
- explosive wave
表 1 马赫波区计算结果
Table 1. Results in Mach domain
2φ/° xO2/mm yO2/mm h/mm v p 45 0 -50.1 32.5 1.34 1.30 60 0 -34.8 24.8 1.39 1.60 90 0 -2.70 14.1 1.50 1.90 表 2 破片初速的增益
Table 2. Increment of velocity in Mach domain
2φ/° vth/ δth/% vnum/ δnum/% ε/% (km·s-1) (km·s-1) 45 3.101 37.1 2.927 29.4 5.6 60 3.123 38.0 2.943 30.1 5.7 90 2.892 27.8 2.950 30.4 2.0 -
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