Experimental research on shock resistant properties of aluminum alloylattice core sandwich panels under underwater shock loading
摘要: 基于非药式水下爆炸冲击波加载技术,对格栅型夹层结构的动态响应及抗冲击防护性能,进行了实验研究。利用高速相机,对夹层板的动态变形情况进行了实时观测,获得了格栅夹层板气背面在水下冲击波作用下的动态响应历程,并结合相同面密度单层板在水下冲击波作用下的抗冲击变形结果,对比分析了铝合金格栅夹层板的抗冲击防护性能,获得了格栅型夹层板的气背面板最大变形量与水下冲击波量纲一冲量间的定量关系。Abstract: In the present study, the dynamic response and shock-resisting properties of aluminum alloy lattice core sandwich panels under underwater shock loading were investigated using the non-explosive underwater shock loading device. The dynamic response of the sandwich plates was observed using a high-speed camera in collecting more information about the dynamic deformation history of the lattice sandwich plates. Based on the comparison of the experimental results of single-layered panels with the corresponding area mass, the effects of the lattice sandwich panel on the shock-resisting performance were studied. The results show that there is a quantitative relationship between the maximum deformation of the air-back plate of the lattice sandwich panels and the non-dimensional impulse of the underwater shock.
表 1 格栅夹层板实验参数
Table 1. Parameters of lattice sandwich panels
实验 v/(m·s-1) ma/(kg·m-2) p0/MPa $\hat{I}$ δmax/R 面板损伤 1 37.24 4.43 28.36 0.57 0.067 印痕 2 118.82 4.42 77.11 1.54 0.175 印痕 3 136.54 4.45 104.01 2.07 0.229 印痕 4 143.97 4.42 109.85 2.19 0.252 印痕 5 164.04 4.40 132.15 2.44 0.258 裂纹 6 219.49 4.40 167.63 3.36 0.351 裂纹 表 2 单层板实验参数
Table 2. Parameters of single-layered panels
实验 v/(m·s-1) ma/(kg·m-2) p0/MPa $\hat{I}$ δmax/R 断裂 1 41.74 4.91 34.35 0.71 0.112 无 2 80.87 4.90 61.83 1.27 0.217 无 3 129.54 4.89 93.64 1.92 0.304 无 4 135.97 4.91 105.57 2.17 0.367 无 -
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