
孙玮 王志荣 马龙生 刘明翰 杨臣剑

孙玮, 王志荣, 马龙生, 刘明翰, 杨臣剑. 连通容器泄爆过程的影响因素[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2016, 36(4): 457-464. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)04-0457-08
引用本文: 孙玮, 王志荣, 马龙生, 刘明翰, 杨臣剑. 连通容器泄爆过程的影响因素[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2016, 36(4): 457-464. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)04-0457-08
Sun Wei, Wang Zhirong, Ma Longsheng, Liu Minghan, Yang Chenjian. Influence factors of gas explosion venting in linked vessels[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2016, 36(4): 457-464. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)04-0457-08
Citation: Sun Wei, Wang Zhirong, Ma Longsheng, Liu Minghan, Yang Chenjian. Influence factors of gas explosion venting in linked vessels[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2016, 36(4): 457-464. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)04-0457-08


doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2016)04-0457-08

国家自然科学基金项目 50904037

国家自然科学基金项目 51376088

江苏省高校自然科学基金项目 11KJA620001

江苏省高校自然科学基金项目 10KJB620001

江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才计划资助项目 2014-XNY-007

江苏省高校“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人计划资助项目 SJ201216

南京工业大学爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室开放课题资助项目 KFJJ16-03M





  • 中图分类号: O383

Influence factors of gas explosion venting in linked vessels

  • 摘要: 以甲烷/空气混合物为研究对象,开展了连通容器气体泄爆影响因素的实验研究。结果表明:连通容器泄爆片泄爆时,随着破膜压力和量纲一泄压比的减小,大、小球容器的最大泄爆压力均增大;在等量纲一泄压比条件下,随着连接管道长度的增加,传爆容器的最大泄爆压力增大。连通容器无膜泄爆时,大球点火条件下,无论管长如何,起爆容器和传爆容器均比单个容器最大泄爆压力大。小球点火条件下,当管道长度为0.45 m时,起爆容器和传爆容器的最大泄爆压力均小于单个容器。连通容器无膜泄爆且量纲一泄压比相同时,当管道长度为0.45 m时,大、小容器内的最大泄爆压力基本相等;当管道长度为2.45 m时,大容器点火时,传爆容器最大爆炸压力大于起爆容器,但小容器点火时,起爆容器最大泄爆压力大于传爆容器;当管道长度为4.45和6.45 m时,传爆容器最大泄爆压力均大于起爆容器。
  • 图  1  连通容器结构示意图[15]

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of the linked spherical vessels[15]

    图  2  大球中心点火起爆容器泄爆压力时程曲线

    Figure  2.  Pressure histories of explosion venting in the primary vessel when ignited in the big vessel

    图  3  大球中心点火传爆容器泄爆压力时程曲线

    Figure  3.  Pressure histories of explosion venting in the secondary vessel when ignited in the big vessel

    图  4  小球中心点火起爆容器泄爆压力时程曲线

    Figure  4.  Pressure histories of explosion venting in the primary vessel when ignited in the small vessel

    图  5  小球中心点火传爆容器泄爆压力时程曲线

    Figure  5.  Pressure histories of explosion venting in the secondary vessel when ignited in the small vessel

    图  6  大球点火时,不同管长连通容器的泄爆压力时程曲线

    Figure  6.  Histories of explosion venting pressure in linked vessels with different pipe lengths when ignited in the big vessel

    图  7  小球点火时,不同管长连通容器的泄爆压力时程曲线

    Figure  7.  Histories of explosion venting pressure in linked vessels with different pipe lengths when ignited in the small vessel

    图  8  不同破膜压力条件下,大球容器泄爆的压力时程曲线

    Figure  8.  Pressure histories of explosion venting of big vessel under different rupture disk bursting pressures

    图  9  不同破膜压力条件下,小球容器泄爆的压力时程曲线

    Figure  9.  Pressure histories of explosion venting of small vessel under different rupture disk bursting pressures

    表  1  不同泄爆位置下连通容器的泄爆特性

    Table  1.   Characteristic of explosion venting pressure in linked vessels at different positions of explosion venting

    点火位置 泄爆口位置 A/cm2 pm(1)/MPa pm(2)/MPa
    小球点火 小球泄爆 5.30 0.811 9 0.328 0
    小球点火 大球泄爆 5.30 0.697 8 0.453 7
    小球点火 大、小球泄爆 5.30 0.594 2 0.254 7
    大球点火 小球泄爆 5.30 0.374 5 1.189 3
    大球点火 大、小球泄爆 5.30 0.406 3 1.146 6
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    表  2  不同连通方式的容器大球中心点火时,大、小球容器的最大泄爆压力

    Table  2.   Maximum explosion venting pressure in the big and the small vessels in linked vessels with different pipe connections when ignited in big vessel

    d/mm pm(1)/MPa pm(2)/MPa pm(1)/MPa pm(2)/MPa pm(1)/MPa pm(2)/MPa pm(1)/MPa pm(2)/MPa
    大球 小球 两球对接 一段管连接 两段管连接 三段管连接
    50.0 30.0 0.564 9 0.540 9 0.515 3 0.828 4 0.510 6 0.973 1 0.458 9 1.020 2
    40.0 23.0 0.555 7 0.582 1 0.547 3 0.875 5 0.551 8 1.067 5 0.553 3 1.110 3
    30.0 17.5 0.618 3 0.632 4 0.525 5 0.962 2 0.577 7 1.209 0 0.589 4 1.292 5
    23.0 13.0 0.635 6 0.654 4 0.542 7 1.015 0 0.590 9 1.299 5 0.667 3 1.301 1
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    表  3  不同管长连通容器给定破膜压力并大球中心点火时,大、小球容器的最大泄爆压力

    Table  3.   Maximum explosion venting pressure in linked vessels with different pipe lengths under given rupture pressures when ignited in big vessel

    L/m pm(1)/MPa pm(2)/MPa pm(1)/MPa pm(2)/MPa pm(1)/MPa pm(2)/MPa pm(1)/MPa pm(2)/MPa
    pb=0.164 4 MPa pb=0.209 8 MPa pb=0.305 5 MPa pb=0.320 1 MPa
    0.45 0.622 4 0.652 5 0.704 7 0.656 9 0.628 5 0.588 8 0.633 9 0.680 4
    2.45 0.510 6 0.970 3 0.612 4 1.010 8 0.629 1 1.048 0 0.597 1 1.079 9
    4.45 0.660 2 1.205 0 0.643 5 1.226 8 0.626 2 1.366 7 0.617 7 1.421 3
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    表  4  不同管长连通容器给定破膜压力并小球中心点火时,大、小球容器的最大泄爆压力

    Table  4.   Maximum explosion venting pressure in linked vessels with different pipe lengths under given rupture pressures when ignited in small vessel

    L/m pm(1)/MPa pm(2)/MPa pm(1)/MPa pm(2)/MPa pm(1)/MPa pm(2)/MPa pm(1)/MPa pm(2)/MPa
    pb=0.164 4 MPa pb=0.209 8 MPa pb=0.305 5 MPa pb=0.320 1 MPa
    0.45 0.533 5 0.521 8 0.551 1 0.532 3 0.589 8 0.569 1 0.643 3 0.634 2
    2.45 0.510 2 0.525 9 0.543 6 0.595 9 0.586 9 0.614 0 0.589 9 0.635 8
    4.45 0.695 3 0.595 6 0.683 4 0.618 8 0.690 0 0.647 8 0.731 2 0.680 2
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