Experimental study on explosion performance of thermobaric explosive
摘要: 为研究温压炸药的爆炸特性,将25 g温压炸药在5.8 L的密闭爆炸罐中引爆,测试了真空和空气环境下的爆炸压力和爆炸温度,并通过气相色谱分析了爆炸后的气体产物。实验结果表明,温压炸药在空气环境下的平衡压力和平衡温度明显高于真空环境,并且空气中的氧气参与了炸药中铝粉的氧化反应,说明温压炸药在空气环境下存在后燃效应。Abstract: In order to investigate the characteristics of the thermobaric explosives, the 25 g charge of thermobaric explosive was ignited in the sealed explosion chamber of 5.8 L volume, and the explosion pressure and temperature were measured and the gas productions were analyzed by the gas chromatography under the vacuum and air conditions, respectively. The experimental results show that the equilibrium pressure and equilibrium temperature under the air condition are significantly higher than those under the vacuum condition, and the oxygen in the air participates in the oxidation of aluminum, so that there is after-combustion occurring when the thermobaric explosive is ignited in air.
表 1 不同氛围下气体产物的摩尔分数
Table 1. Mole fraction of gas product under different conditions
氛围 x(CH4)/% x(CO2)/% x(N2)/% x(CO)/% 真空 0.625 0 3.617 5 42.764 1 25.803 3 空气 1.551 5 0.029 2 33.556 9 26.283 2 表 2 不同氛围下气体产物的摩尔量
Table 2. Mole of gas product under different conditions
氛围 nal(O)/mol n(CH4)/mol n(CO2)/mol n(N2)/mol n(CO)/mol nrem(O)/mol nrea(O)/mol 真空 0.425 7 0.002 0 0.011 3 0.134 2 0.080 9 0.103 5 0.322 2 空气 0.519 7 0.007 1 0.000 1 0.154 0 0.120 6 0.120 8 0.398 9 -
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