Impact load driven by high-power pulsed electromagnetic force
摘要: 冲击载荷在材料科学与工程领域具有一定的应用。随着研究的深入, 对冲击速度、冲击能量提出了更高的需求, 是落锤所无法达到的。强脉冲磁场可由脉冲大电流产生, 通过合适的装置可产生强脉冲电磁力, 进而可转换为冲击载荷。通过数值模拟, 给出了强脉冲磁场、电磁力及冲头运动过程的数值模拟结果。采用高速摄像对该压缩冲击装置的运动过程进行记录, 通过对影像数据处理获得了冲击速度及冲击能量, 验证了模拟结果。Abstract: Impact load is applicable to material science and engineering. With the research development, there is a higher requirement for the impacting velocity and energy, which are however beyond what the drop hammer can achieve. High-power pulse current can therefore be utilized to set up an intense pulsed magnetic field, and then high-power pulsed electromagnetic force (EMF) can be generated with proper equipments and converted to the impact load desired. In the present work we simulated the generation of the impact load driven by high-power electromagnetic force. The simulation results of high-power pulsed magnetic field, EMF and the punch movement process were obtained through numerical modeling. The high speed photography was used to record the movement of the compressing impact device. Through the image processing, the value of the impact velocity and impact energy is obtained that verified the simulation results.
表 1 不同时刻位移速度测量结果
Table 1. Measured results of displacement and velocities at different time
s/mm Δ s/mm v/m·s-1 15.916 15.714 0.202 2.02 15.207 0.202 2.02 13.324 1.833 18.33 10.627 2.697 26.97 7.214 3.413 34.13 3.581 3.633 36.33 0 3.581 35.81 -
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