On ballistic trajectory of rigid projectile normal penetration based on a meso-scopic concrete model
摘要: 为研究混凝土细观因素对刚性弹正侵彻弹道偏转的影响,基于骨料随机投放的思路建立混凝土三维细观几何模型,分析刚性弹正侵彻过程中发生弹道偏转的原因及可能影响因素,定量讨论混凝土细观因素对弹道偏转的影响。结果表明:混凝土细观数值模型可以较好地反映弹体正侵彻过程中弹道偏转等典型物理现象,且细观参数对于弹体弹道偏转有显著影响。刚性弹正侵彻细观混凝土时,存在一个弹体直径/骨料最大粒径比的特征比值。Abstract: To study the effect of the concrete's mesoscopic factors on the deflection of the rigid projectile's ballistic trajectory, we established a 3-D mesoscopic model for the concrete based on the idea of randomly distributed aggregates, analyzed the causes and possible contributing factors of the ballistic trajectory deflection of the rigid projectile penetrating into a concrete target, and examined quantitatively the influence of the mesoscopic factors of the concrete. The results show that the mesoscopic concrete model is able to reflect the typical physical phenomena of a projectile's normal penetration, that the mesoscopic factors have significant effect on the deflection of the ballistic trajectory as the rigid projectile is penetrating into the mesoscopic concrete, and that there exists a characteristic ratio of the projectile's diameter to the largest possible diameter of the aggregate.
Key words:
- concrete /
- meso-scopic model /
- rigid projectile /
- normal penetration /
- ballistic trajectory deflexion
表 1 不同级配骨料粒径分布
Table 1. Distribution of aggregates with different gradations
骨料粒径/mm 骨料类型 骨料级配 Vs:Vm:Vb:Vh 5~20 Small Stone 1st gradation 1:0:0:0 20~40 Medium stone 2nd gradation 5.5:4.5:0:0 40~80 Big stone 3rd gradation 3:3:4:0 80~150 Huge stone 4th gradation 2:2:3:3 表 2 弹体及混凝土材料参数
Table 2. Material parameters of projectile and concrete
材料类型 ρ/(kg·m-3) E/GPa μc σt/MPa σc/MPa Aggregate 2 660 0.16 10 160 Motar 2 280 0.22 4 15 ITZ 2 000 0.16 2 10 Concrete 2 440 0.2 5 48 Projectile 8 020 210 0.3 表 3 剩余速度对比
Table 3. Contrast of residual velocities
v0/(m·s-1) vr/(m·s-1) 实验 模拟 360 67 73 381 136 157 434 214 237 606 449 470 749 615 633 1 058 947 963 -
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