Correlation between pulse irradiation characteristic of thermal radiation in intense explosion and explosion yield
摘要: 为定量分析强爆炸光辐射辐照特征及其与爆炸当量的关系,建立了用于描述光辐射输运过程的辐射流体力学模型。在算子分裂方法运用的基础上,采用温度梯度作为指示子进行并行区域的动态划分,从而实现较高效率的并行求解。在此基础上数值计算了千吨~兆吨当量下强爆炸光辐射的发展过程,分析表明:光辐射强度随时间呈现“双脉冲”变化,强度极小和强度第2极大时刻与当量的某次方成正比。光辐射总功率变化历程与光辐射强度变化历程相似,但受辐射源半径随当量变化的影响,其极值时刻会出现差异。Abstract: A radiation hydrodynamics model was established to analyse the pulse irradiation characteristic of thermal radiation in intense explosion and its dependence on explosion yield. Based on the splitting method, the temperature gradient was set as the indicator for the dynamic regional division to achieve highly efficient parallel calculation, on the basis of which the thermal radiation evolutions in intense explosion at different yields were calculated. The results show that the intensity of thermal radiation at different times exhibits a two-pulse pattern. The intensity extremums and extremum times vary with the change of the explosion yields. The minimum time and second maximum time of the thermal radiation are proportional to the power of the explosion yields. The radiant power history exhibits similar results with the thermal radiation intensity. However, the extremum times may differ due to the dependence of the fireball radius on the explosion yield.
Key words:
- intense explosion /
- thermal radiation /
- pulse irradiation /
- explosion yield
表 1 不同高度下空气初始状态参数
Table 1. Initial state parameters for air at different heights
h/km p/kPa ρ/(kg·m-3) T/K cs/(m·s-1) 0 103.3 1.225 297.25 343.6 10 26.5 0.4135 225.9 299.5 -
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