Mechanism research of thin plate petaling under local loading based on multiaxial stress damage
摘要: 开展了多种应力状态下的船用钢力学特性实验,基于多轴应力状态损伤的失效准则研究了局部冲击荷载作用下圆形板的花瓣型破口形成过程,划分了花瓣型破口形成的3个阶段,分析了裂纹区域、非裂纹区域应力状态变化过程及损伤情况。得到:(1)考虑多轴应力损伤的舰船用钢失效准则能有效预测受力状态复杂的花瓣状破口;(2)花瓣型破口的形成主要分为蝶形凹陷、中心区域裂纹扩展、花瓣形成与翻转等3个阶段;(3)花瓣型破口的裂纹区和非裂纹区均受力复杂,破口预测须考虑应力状态对损伤特性的影响;(4)花瓣形成过程中,第1阶段和第3阶段均匀变形,第2阶段损伤局部化明显,花瓣卷曲会造成花瓣根部的二次损伤。Abstract: A failure criterion considering multiaxial stress state was proposed based on the thin plate damage testing. According to the evaluation of the stress state variation and damage level of the cracking and non-cracking areas, the following conclusions can be reached: (1) the petaling phenomenon of the thin plate used for naval ships can be forecasted effectively by the proposed failure criterion; (2) the petaling procedure can be divided into three distinct stages consisting of butterfly depressing, central area cracking, and petal processing; (3) the stress states of the cracking area and the non-cracking area are complicated, and the stress state's influence on the damage characteristics should be considered in predicting the petaling crevasse; (4) during the petaling, the central area will sink homogeneously, the cracking will result in large local deformation, and the petal cusps' curve will lead to a secondary damage to the petal roots.
Key words:
- petaling /
- stress triaxiality /
- stress state /
- failure criterion
表 1 不同准则预测的断裂应变值
Table 1. Fracture strains predicted by different criteria
实验试件 εf, exp εf, nom $\frac{{{\varepsilon _{{\rm{f}}, {\rm{nom}}}} - {\varepsilon _{{\rm{f}}, {\rm{exp}}}}}}{{{\varepsilon _{{\rm{f}}, {\rm{exp}}}}}}/\% $ εf, new $\frac{{{\varepsilon _{{\rm{f}}, {\rm{new}}}} - {\varepsilon _{{\rm{f}}, {\rm{exp}}}}}}{{{\varepsilon _{{\rm{f}}, {\rm{exp}}}}}}/\% $ 缺口拉伸试样1 0.39 0.4 2.6 0.38 -2.6 缺口拉伸试样2 0.49 0.4 -18.4 0.54 10.2 缺口拉伸试样3 0.63 0.4 -36.5 0.67 6.3 缺口拉伸试样4 0.72 0.4 -44.4 0.68 -5.6 缺口拉伸试样5 0.69 0.4 -42.0 0.74 7.2 单轴拉伸 1.03 0.4 -61.2 0.86 -16.5 剪切试样 0.49 0.4 -18.4 0.46 -6.1 压剪试样 0.64 0.4 -37.5 0.69 7.8 圆柱压缩试样1 1.98 0.4 -79.8 1.97 -0.5 圆柱压缩试样2 2.10 0.4 -81.0 2.08 -1.0 -
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