Deviation research on internal electronic pressure gauge and copper cylinder pressure gauge in artillery chamber pressure test
摘要: 火炮膛压作为火炮和弹药的内弹道重要参数,在研制、生产、交付、存储校验等环节都需要测量。针对当前同时采用放入式铜柱测压器和电子测压器测量某一批弹药时,电子测压器峰值出现散布较大,而铜柱测压法一致性好的问题,在分析两种测压法测压原理的基础上,利用铜柱动态校准数据作用到其ANSYS模型上修正了铜柱的Johnson-Cook模型参数;分析发现出现差异时电子测压器测量的压力变化率时程曲线不同,铜柱实际测试形变量与施加压力时程曲线作用于模型得到的形变量一致。研究表明:同时测量某一批弹药时,电子测压器比铜柱测压器出现压力峰值散布大的原因是由膛压上升过程变化率不同导致铜柱的应变率不同造成的。
- 火炮膛压 /
- 电子测压器 /
- 铜柱测压器 /
- Johnson-Cook模型参数
Abstract: The artillery chamber pressure is so important a parameter for interior ballistic performance that it has to be measured repeatedly in the course of artillery development, production, acceptance, storage check. When a batch of ammunitions are measured by internal electronic pressure gauge (IEPG) and copper cylinder pressure gauge (CCPG) at the same time, the distribution of IEPG peak values is found to be much larger than that of CCPG ones. The ANSYS model of CCPG was proposed based on the CCPG working principle, and the Johnson-Cook model parameters were optimized according to the dynamic calibration data. The results shows that when discrepancy occurred with respect to the peak pressures measured respectively by IEPG and CCPG, the pressure-change-rate histories of IEPG were different, and the test pressure exerted on the CCPG model was consistent with the copper cylinder deformation obtained in the copper test. The results also show that the difference in peak pressure, captured by IEPG and CCPG in a batch of ammunition chamber pressure measurement at the same time, is due to the influence of different copper cylinder strain rates as a result of different rising rates of the chamber pressure. -
表 1 实验数据与数值模拟结果对比
Table 1. Comparison of experimental with simulation data
标定点 pm/MPa τ/ms y/mm ε/% 实验 数值模拟 1 270.35 6.49 0.226 8 0.226 5 -0.132 2 310.18 6.45 0.483 0 0.483 6 0.124 3 356.66 6.44 0.783 0 0.780 2 -0.359 4 396.78 6.38 1.045 0 1.042 0 -0.288 5 452.44 6.37 1.361 0 1.356 6 -0.324 6 516.23 6.35 1.749 0 1.751 1 0.120 表 2 不同传感器实测压力峰值对比
Table 2. Comparison of peak pressures measured by different sensors
发次 pm/MPa 电子测压器 铜柱测压器 1 368.52 371.90 2 371.02 372.60 -
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