Antiknock performance of an overflow dam subjected to contact explosion
摘要: 以黄登重力坝的溢流坝为研究背景,考虑混凝土的高应变率效应,运用Lagrange-Euler耦合算法建立大坝-库水-空气-炸药全耦合数值模型,研究溢流坝在接触爆炸荷载作用下的抗爆性能。分析满库与空库时溢流坝在爆炸冲击波作用下的动力响应及损伤程度,并进一步研究满库时大坝在不同炸点的水下接触爆炸荷载作用下的动力响应及损伤分布。研究结果表明,满库时水下爆炸比空库时爆炸的动力响应及损伤程度大得多;溢流坝的抗爆薄弱部位主要集中在溢流道顶部及坝体上游折坡处。研究溢流坝的抗爆性能时应重点研究满库时水下爆炸对大坝的破坏特性。Abstract: In this paper, against the background of the Huangdeng gravity dam and in consideration of the influence of the concrete's high strain rate, we established a fully-coupled numerical model for the dam-water-air-explosive using the Lagrange-Euler coupling method, and studied the antiknock performance of the overflow dam subjected to contact explosion loading. The dynamic response and damage of the overflow dam under the condition of withholding a full reservoir of water were compared with that under the condition of withholding an empty reservoir. Further, the response of the overflow dam subjected to underwater explosion at different explosion points was also investigated. The results show that, subjected to the same underwater explosion, the dynamic response and damage degree of the overflow dam withholding a full reservoir were significantly higher than those of the dam withholding an empty reservoir, and the weak points of the overflow dam were mainly located at the dam's overflow spillway on the top and the upstream slope. Therefore, it is concluded that research on the antiknock performance of an overflow dam subjected to underwater contact explosion should focus on the damage characteristics of the dam withholding a full reservoir.
Key words:
- overflow dam /
- contact explosion /
- dynamic response /
- damage /
- antiknock performance
表 1 修正的RHT本构模型参数
Table 1. Modified parameters of RHT constitutive model
A N pspall* Q0 BQ B M εminf σPTF/MPa 1.92 0.76 0.1 0.69 0.004 8 0.7 0.8 0.001 5 -
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