Index of underwater acoustic waves impacting on large yellow croakers
摘要: 为了明确有效地评价声波对大黄鱼影响的指标,以水下爆破和滨海山体爆破两种作业方式产生的水中声波数据为基础,进行声波信号的声压峰值和声暴露级分析,并结合现场大黄鱼的行为响应进行研究。结果表明:水下爆破产生的水中声波瞬态声压幅值较高,能量在瞬间累积到最大值并影响大黄鱼的行为和安全;而滨海山体爆破水中声波的声压幅值小,声暴露时间长,能量的连续累积造成了大黄鱼行为的改变。由于两种爆破方式作用下的水中声波在不同的声暴露时间内的声暴露级较接近,且超过150 dB会造成大黄鱼的行为异常,因此认为声暴露级是评价水中声波对大黄鱼影响的一个重要指标。Abstract: The assessment of the behavior of large yellow croakers (Pseudosciaena crocea) in response to underwater acoustic waves entails clear and exact indices of assessment. In this work we collected data of underwater acoustic waves of coastal mountain blasting and underwater explosion using two types of acoustic instruments (Pulse 3560 and DSG) monitored at the sea stations, recorded large yellow croakers′ behavioral characteristics, and carried out the index study of two signal parameters, peak pressure and sound exposure level, in combination with comparative analysis of the croakers′ in situ behaviors. The results showed that, when the pressure amplitudes of the acoustic waves resulting from underwater explosion and mountain blasting were high, the momentary maximal sound energy would reach a momentary maximum value, affecting the croakers′ behavior and safety. On the other hand, when the pressure amplitudes were lower but the time of exposure to the acoustic waves were long, the continual accumulation of sound energy would also affect the large yellow croakers′ behavior. As a result, the levels of the exposure to the two blasting sound waves in different exposure times were very much consistent, and the croakers′ abnormal behaviors were observed at sound exposure levels higher than 150 dB. So, an important conclusion was derived, combined with large yellow croakers′ behavior and related academic research, that sound exposure level can be taken as an important factor, which was the total energy received over the sound exposure time, and should be used to assess the influence of the underwater acoustic waves on the large yellow croaker in underwater explosion and coastal mountain blasting.
表 1 工程爆破水中声波信号声暴露级统计
Table 1. Sound exposure level statistics of engineering balsting
信号来源 样本/个 δ30 dB /s δ60 dB /s Lse/(dB re 1 μPa2·s) 水下爆破 8 0.003±0.001 0.010±0.002 168.56±2.36 滨海山体爆破 22 0.036±0.012 1.322±0.034 161.33±2.06 -
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