Characterization of blast-induced craters in low-moistureand saturated sand from field experiments
摘要: 爆坑是土中爆炸荷载作用下的主要响应形式,基于大型爆炸实验场地,开展了一系列低含水率砂土和饱和砂土中的爆炸成坑现场实验,研究了药量、埋深及含水率等因素对土中爆坑效应的影响。研究结果显示:根据药包的比例埋深,低含水率砂土场地的最终爆坑形态可以分为隐爆、塌陷型漏斗坑和抛掷型爆坑3类,发生封闭爆炸的临界比例埋深为2.3 m/kg1/3;形成抛掷型爆坑的条件为比例埋深小于1.5 m/kg1/3;当比例埋深为1.5~2.3 m/kg1/3时,形成塌陷型漏斗坑。土中孔隙水压力的增大导致坑壁周围土体发生了液化流动、坍塌,最终造成爆坑横向尺寸的扩大。相同爆源条件下,饱和砂土场地形成的坑面直径比低含水率砂土场地提高了25%~35%,饱和砂土场地发生封闭爆炸的极限比例埋深可达2.5 m/kg1/3。Abstract: Craters are the main response-induced form of underground explosion loadings. A series of field experiments were conducted in low-moisture and saturated sand in a large-scale experiment pit to study crater formation induced by underground explosions. The influence of charge mass, burial depth and moisture content on the crater diameter were analyzed. The results showed that, for a crater in sand with a low-moisture content, the eventual form may fall into one of the three types, formed respectively by enclosed explosion, cast blasting and soil collapse. The critical scaled burial depth for a crater from the enclosed explosion is about 2.3 m/kg1/3, that for crater from cast blasting is 1.5 m/kg1/3 or less, and that for a crater from soil collapse is 1.5~2.3 m/kg1/3. For a crater in saturated sand, the soil particles close to the crater were liquefied due to porewater pressure rise under explosion loadings. Thus, the lateral dimension of a crater was enlarged due to the flow and the collapse of the soil particles. The diameter of the crater in saturated sand can extend up to 1.25~1.35 times that of the crater in low-moisture sand under the same explosion loading. The greatest scaled burial depth of an enclosed explosion in saturated sand may reach 2.5 m/kg1/3 based on the experiments.
Key words:
- low-moisture sand /
- saturated sand /
- filed experiment /
- crater formation /
- dimension of crater /
- burial depth
表 1 药孔的药量和埋深
Table 1. Charge mass and burial depth for each blasting experiment
编号 药量/kg 埋深/m 编号 药量/kg 埋深/m 低含水率砂土 饱和砂土 SE1 0.2 1.0 JE1 0.3 1.13 SE2 0.4 1.0 JE2 0.4 0.83 SE3 0.8 1.0 JE3 0.3 0.93 SE4 0.2 1.5 JE4 0.4 1.35 SE5 0.4 1.5 JE5 0.4 0.93 SE6 0.8 1.5 JE6 0.2 1.35 SE7 0.2 0.5 SE8 0.4 0.5 表 2 低含水率砂土场地爆坑形态
Table 2. Blast-induced crater formation in low-moisture sand
编号 药包比例埋深 爆坑尺寸 爆坑形态特征描述 λ/(m·kg-1/3) η/(m·kg-7/24) D/m h/m SE1 1.93 1.77 0.501) 0.401) 无抛掷,地表隆起后下陷成塌陷型爆坑,爆坑周围有数圈不规则裂纹 SE2 1.53 1.45 1.301) 0.301) 鼓包明显但无抛掷,内陷形成塌陷型爆坑,爆坑周围有数圈不规则裂纹 SE3 1.21 1.18 1.20 0.32 发生明显抛掷,形成漏斗状可见爆坑 SE4 2.89 2.66 - - 隐爆,地面未鼓包 SE5 2.29 2.17 0.741) 0.301) 无抛掷,地表特征不明显,爆后形成小型塌陷型爆坑,周边有明显裂纹 SE6 1.82 1.77 1.201) 0.381) 无抛掷,地表隆起后下陷成塌陷型爆坑,爆坑周围有数圈不规则裂纹 SE7 0.96 0.89 1.05 0.25 抛掷明显且抛掷距离较远,形成抛掷型可见爆坑 SE8 0.76 0.72 1.25 0.28 抛掷明显且抛掷距离远,形成抛掷型可见爆坑 1)塌陷型爆坑 表 3 饱和砂土场地爆坑形态
Table 3. Blast-induced crater formation in saturated sand
编号 药包比例埋深 爆坑尺寸 爆坑形态特征描述 λ/(m·kg-1/3) η/(m·kg-7/24) D/m h/m JE1 1.82 1.71 - - 能观测到地表土体破裂,形成的爆坑瞬间被液化引发的流砂及水覆盖 JE2 1.21 1.16 1.40 0.32 抛掷明显,但爆后能观测到坑壁有流动的砂土 JE3 1.50 1.41 1.20 0.32 抛掷明显,但爆后能观测到坑壁有流动的砂土 JE4 1.97 1.88 - - 能观测到地表土体破裂,形成的爆坑瞬间被液化引发的流砂及水覆盖 JE5 1.36 1.30 1.25 0.36 抛掷明显,但爆后能观测到坑壁有流动的砂土 JE6 2.49 2.30 - - 地表几乎观测不到隆起和抛掷现象 表 4 低含水率砂土和饱和砂土场地爆坑直径对比
Table 4. Comparison of crater diameters in low-moisture and saturated sand
砂土 编号 W/kg WTNT/kg d/m D/m 低含水率 SE2 0.4 0.28 1.0 1.31) 低含水率 SE8 0.4 0.28 0.5 1.25 饱和 JE2 0.4 0.32 0.83 1.4 饱和 JE5 0.4 0.32 0.93 1.25 注:塌陷型爆坑 -
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