Discharging mechanism of pulse signal electric probe conducted by micro-jetting
摘要: 针对脉冲信号电探针在微喷射物质作用下出现的“非正常”放电现象,提出了微喷射物质K+Rx等效电路模型,用以解释微喷射物质导通电探针放电机理。开展爆轰实验,联合X射线测试技术,确定了电探针放电区域处于微喷射区与微层裂区的过渡地带,并发现电探针的3类“非正常”放电现象。建立电路仿真模型,将微喷射物质等效成K+Rx电路,调节K+Rx等效电路模型参数,模拟电探针的3类“非正常”放电现象。仿真结果表明,K+Rx等效电路模型很好地解释了微喷射物质作用下脉冲信号电探针的放电机理。Abstract: For the "abnormal discharge" phenomenon of the pulse signal electric probe due to the micro-jetting, we proposed a K+Rx equivalent circuit model of the micro-jetting and conducted the explosive loading experiments to explain the discharging mechanism of the electric probe conducted by the micro-jetting. According to the X-ray testing data, the discharging position of the electric probe obtained was in the transition zone from the micro-jetting to the micro-spall, and the abnormal discharge phenomena of the electric probe were classified into three types. Thus we proposed a circuit simulation model where the micro-jetting is equivalent to a K+Rx circuit. By adjusting the parameters of the K+Rx equivalent circuit model, the three types of the "abnormal discharging" phenomena of the electric probe were simulated. The simulation results show that the K+Rx equivalent circuit model provides an excellent explanation for the discharging of the pulse signal electric probe conducted by the micro-jetting.
Key words:
- information processing technology /
- micro-jetting /
- electric probe /
- circuit simulation /
- discharge
表 1 电探针信号起跳时间
Table 1. Jump time of electric probe signal
D/mm 第1圈(r=4.0mm) 第2圈(r=7.5mm) 第3圈(r=11.0mm) 测点数 平均起跳时间/μs 测点数 平均起跳时间/μs 测点数 平均起跳时间/μs 25 2 13.45 2 13.60 2 12.12 30 4 16.15 2 16.15 2 16.80 35 2 18.62 4 18.83 4 18.12 40 2 21.14 2 21.70 2 22.10 -
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