Strain growth of spherical shell subjected to internal blast loading during plastic response
摘要: 应变增长现象会对容器安全形成威胁。以往研究涉及的应变增长现象大多在壳体弹性变形范围内,本文中实验观察到球壳塑性变形时的应变增长现象,应变增长系数(最大应变值与第一个应变峰的比值)最大值达到1.16。实验还获得了容器内壁压力-时间曲线,并利用球壳响应理论分析出应变增长现象是由容器内壁的周期性多脉冲载荷引起的,该载荷存在3个较明显的脉冲,前两个脉冲对应变增长现象起主要作用。Abstract: Strain growth, whose related research has so far been concerned mostly with its behavior during the plastic response inside a spherical shell, poses a threat to the safety of explosion containment vessels. In the present work, the strain growth of the spherical vessel during the plastic response was observed by the experiment, and the strain growth factor (the ratio of the maximum strain of the strain curve to the first peak strain) reached up to 1.16. It was found through the theoretical analysis on the spherical shell response that it was the blast loading with three periodic pulses on the inner wall of the spherical vessel that brought about the strain growth, and that the first two pulses were mainly responsible for the strain growth.
Key words:
- explosion containment vessel /
- strain growth /
- plastic response /
- periodic loading
表 1 球壳应变数据
Table 1. Experimental strain of spherical shell
应变片位置 方向 第一个应变峰/10-3 最大应变值/10-3 最大值应变值所处峰的位置 应变增长系数 实测值 平均值 S1 1 10.804 11.081±2.5% 10.804 1 1.00 2 10.804 12.606 2 1.16 3 11.635 13.063 2 1.12 S2 1 10.802 10.262±6.6% 12.057 2 1.11 2 10.397 12.057 2 1.15 3 9.588 10.802 2 1.12 S3 1* 11.945 11.225±6.4% 12.197 2 1.02 (12.456) (3) 2 10.808 11.610 2 1.07 3 10.922 11.485 2 1.05 S4 1 9.140 9.883±7.5% 9.140 1 1.00 2 10.197 10.503 2 1.03 3 10.312 10.503 2 1.01 S5 1 11.821 13.159±14.3% 11.821 1 1.00 2 15.036 - - - 3 12.619 12.989 2 1.02 S6 1 13.866 13.762±4.3% 15.211 2 1.09 2 14.254 16.427 2 1.15 3 13.167 14.571 2 1.10 注:标注*的数据出现特殊情况,其第二个应变峰虽大于第一个应变峰,但应变最大值出现在第三个应变峰上。 -
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