Experimental study on coal mine gas explosion suppression with inert gas N2/CO2
摘要: 为探究惰性气体(N2和CO2)对瓦斯气体爆炸影响,采用中型尺寸瓦斯爆炸实验装置,在N2及CO2体积分数为0%、9%、14%工况下开展了瓦斯爆炸实验研究,获取了N2和CO2对矿井瓦斯抑爆特性的影响规律,并针对瓦斯爆炸过程中惰性气体N2和CO2对爆炸超压变化的影响及爆炸抑制效果进行了对比分析。结果表明:随着初始混合气体中惰性气体N2或CO2含量的升高,瓦斯爆炸超压均明显降低,CO2的抑爆效果优于N2;N2和CO2对较高浓度瓦斯气的抑爆效果更为显著。Abstract: To determine the effect of inert gas (N2 and CO2) on the process of mine gas explosion, we carried out mine gas explosion experiments in a medium-size pipe with the volume fractions of N2 or CO2 filled in three components of mine gas samples which were respectively 0%, 9% and 14%, and successfully obtained the explosion suppression characteristics of N2 and CO2. Then we conducted comparative analysis of the explosion overpressure histories and explosion suppression capacity of inert gas N2 and CO2 in the gas explosion process. The results show that the gas explosion overpressure decreases significantly with the increase of N2 or CO2 volume fraction in the mixed gases, and the explosion suppression capacity of CO2 is better than that of N2. Moreover, the explosion suppression effect of N2 and CO2 is much more obvious when the gas sample has a higher CH4 concentration.
Key words:
- gas explosion /
- inert gas /
- explosion suppression /
- explosion overpressure
表 1 在气样G1、G2、G3充入不同比例N2后瓦斯气体组分
Table 1. Gas composition after filling different proportion of N2 in samples G1, G2, G3
编号 工况1 工况2 工况3 G1 7.00%CH4-19.53%O2-73.47%N2 6.42%CH4-17.92%O2-75.66%N2 6.14%CH4-17.13%O2-76.73%N2 G2 9.40%CH4-19.03%O2-71.57%N2 8.62%CH4-17.46%O2-73.92%N2 8.25%CH4-16.55%O2-75.20%N2 G3 10.20%CH4-18.86%O2-70.94%N2 9.36%CH4-17.30%O2-73.34%N2 8.95%CH4-16.54%O2-74.51%N2 表 2 在气样G1、G2、G3充入不同比例CO2后瓦斯气体组分
Table 2. Gas composition after filling different proportion of CO2 in mine gas G1, G2, G3
编号 工况1 工况4 工况5 G1 7.00%CH4-19.53%O2-73.47%N2 6.42%CH4-17.92%O2-67.40%N2-8.26%CO2 6.14%CH4-17.13%O2-64.45%N2-12.28%CO2 G2 9.40%CH4-19.03%O2-71.57%N2 8.62%CH4-17.46%O2-65.66%N2-8.26%CO2 8.25%CH4-16.55%O2-62.92%N2-12.28%CO2 G3 10.20%CH4-18.86%O2-70.94%N2 9.36%CH4-17.30%O2-65.08%N2-8.26%CO2 8.95%CH4-16.54%O2-62.23%N2-12.28%CO2 -
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