Overpressure calculation model of sphere charge blastingwith moving velocity
摘要: 为获得球形装药动态爆炸冲击波超压场计算模型,对静态爆炸冲击波超压Baker计算公式加入修正因子进行修正,并建立了构造包含装药运动速度、对比距离和方位角的修正因子函数的方法。为获得修正因子的函数表达式,采用高精度显式欧拉流体动力学软件SPEED针对具有典型运动速度的球形装药空中爆炸过程进行了数值模拟,得到了沿装药不同对比距离和方位角处的动态爆炸冲击波超压峰值。在对数值模拟结果处理的基础上,经过数据拟合获得了动态爆炸冲击波超压场计算模型。校验结果表明,该模型能较准确描述动态爆炸冲击波超压分布,具有普适性。Abstract: In order to establish a calculation model for the dynamic blast overpressure field, a correction factor was introduced into the Baker formula, a model for calculating the peak overpressure only in a static blast. The method to obtain the correction factor containing the moving velocity, the azimuth and the scaled distance was established. For getting the function of the correction factor, spherical charge models with the typical moving velocity were established using the shock physical explicit Eulerian dynamic (SPEED) to simulate the dynamic blast process in the air. The peak overpressure in the typical azimuth and scaled distance was obtained. Based on the numerical results, a new calculation model was constructed using the data fitted. The result of the numerical simulation indicates that the corrected formula is a universal calculation model, capable of predicting the peak overpressure in dynamic blast.
Key words:
- shockwave overpressure /
- dynamic blast /
- moving velocity /
- overpressure calculation model
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