Water mitigation effect under internal blast
摘要: 为探索舰船抗舱内爆炸的机理和技术手段,设计了多舱室缩比模型,开展了有水和无水介质的爆炸实验,对比了爆炸当舱水介质对爆炸反应过程、邻舱冲击波峰值、比冲量及准静态压力的影响。研究结果表明:(1)水介质对舱内爆炸邻舱冲击波峰值、比冲量和准静态压力均有明显的衰减作用;(2)在一定区间内,炸药当量越大,水介质抑制内爆炸的效果越明显;(3)水介质能有效阻碍燃烧等爆炸后续效应,影响准静态压力形成。Abstract: In this work, we investigated a study of the mechanism governing the internal blast in a warship cabin and the technique for preventing it. We developed a multi-cabin structure and carried out experiments with/without water were on the cabin to record and compare such data as the blast process, the peak pressure, the specific impulse and the quasi-static pressure. The results showed that (1) water could obviously reduce the peak pressure, the specific impulse and the quasi-static pressure, that (2) within a certain range, the greater amount of TNT, the more obvious the attenuation, and that (3) water could constrain the afterburning phenomena and TNT reaction, thereby affecting the formation of the quasi-static pressure.
表 1 实验工况
Table 1. Experimental cases
工况 1 2 3 4 5 6 TNT药量/g 20 25 30 20 25 30 有无袋装水 无 无 无 有 有 有 表 2 不同药量下水介质衰减内爆炸效果
Table 2. Effect of bag water for internal blast
药量/g 超压峰值/% 比冲量/% 准静态压力/% 20 56.9 25.0 11.3 25 66.7 41.9 30.3 30 71.2 59.0 39.3 -
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