Analysis of liquid-filled unit cell structure subjected to shaped charge jet impact
摘要: 基于虚拟原点理论、冲击波反射理论和射流干扰理论,考虑液体的喷散特性和径向汇聚特性,改进并完善了射流侵彻饱含液体的单胞结构的理论模型,得到了精确的射流受干扰速度区间的表达式、液体喷散速度的表达式和液体喷散流量的表达式。通过对比理论和试验得到的射流受干扰的速度区间,证明了本文理论模型的可靠性。研究结果表明:液体的喷散和径向汇聚都会影响射流的稳定性,使射流出现颈缩和提前断裂,降低射流的剩余头部速度从而降低射流的剩余侵彻能力。Abstract: Based on the virtual origin theory, the shock wave reflection theory and the jet interference theory, the theoretical model for the jet penetrating a liquid-filled unit cell structure was improved and perfected in consideration of the liquid's spray and radial convergence. The exact expression of the disturbance velocity range of the jet, the expression of the liquid's spray velocity and the expression of the liquid's flow were derived. The theoretical mode of this paper was confirmed by in the comparison of the theoretical and the experimental results of the disturbance velocity range of the jet. The results showed that the liquid's spray and radial convergence exert influence on the shaped charge jet's stability, leading to the jet's necking and fracture, thereby reducing the jet's residual velocity and residual penetration ability.
表 1 理论计算结果与实验结果
Table 1. Theoretical results and experimental results
研究方法 射流受干扰的速度区间/(m·s-1) 射流剩余头部速度/(m·s-1) 剩余穿深/mm 本文理论 2 695~3 351 5 910 159.60 文献[5]理论 2 890~3 564 5 799 175.38 实验 2 788~3 247 6 038 169.00 -
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