Experimental study of TiNi tubes under radial impact with and without lateral constraint
摘要: 为了解TiNi柱壳横向压缩力学性能以制造可重复使用抗冲吸能装置, 对有、无侧向约束的TiNi柱壳进行了横向冲击实验。利用改进的霍普金森压杆装置(SHPB), 配套波形分离方法, 实现了较长时间(~3 ms)的波形测量, 获得了TiNi柱壳在动态加载下的载荷压缩量曲线。通过高速摄影, 捕捉了柱壳的动态变形过程。结果表明, 无约束试件具有优良的可恢复变形能力, 承载力平台段特征明显。侧向约束的引入, 可以有效提高柱壳的承载力和耗能能力, 可以承受更高速度的冲击。选择合适的约束组合, 可望同时实现较大压缩行程和高耗能, 制造实用的抗冲吸能装置。Abstract: TiNi tubes with and without lateral constraint subjected to radial impact were investigated experimentally for the purpose of developing repeatedly used energy absorption devices.By using a modified SHPB apparatus and wave separation technique, the signal recorded was extended to about 3ms, and then the load-compression curves were available.With a high speed CCD camera, the dynamic deformation process of the specimens was captured.The results show that TiNi tubes without lateral constraint have an excellent recoverable deformability with apparent loading platform.The tubes with lateral constraint have a much better performance of energy dissipation and are able to withstand higher speed impact.If properly choosing the combination of two constraints, it may improve its dynamic performance both in the large deformation and high energy dissipation and will be used in the future shock absorbing devices.
表 1 实验参数和结果
Table 1. Experimental parameters and results under radial impact
No. v0/(m·s-1) δmax/mm δmax/D Fmax/N E0/J Ed/J χ/(J·g-1) η/% ss-1 3.17 1.59 0.199 287 0.347 0.038 0.58 10.9 ss-2 3.70 2.05 0.256 309 0.473 0.086 0.79 18.2 ss-3 4.69 2.91 0.364 368 0.759 0.162 1.26 21.3 ss-4 6.73 4.20 0.530 659 1.563 0.890 2.60 57.0 ff-1 3.83 1.08 0.135 748 0.506 0.124 0.84 24.5 ff-2 4.74 1.38 0.173 854 0.775 0.238 1.29 30.7 ff-3 5.28 1.50 0.188 1 037 0.962 0.338 1.60 35.1 -
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