Influence of thermal shock mechanism and thermal environment on concentric canister launcher
摘要: 针对路基同心筒自力发射整体热环境恶劣的问题,依托弹性变形和域动分层相结合的动网格技术,基于均质多相流理论并耦合液态水专用汽化求解程序,建立在发射筒底部注水的三维气液两相流体动力学模型;以火箭发动机自由射流注水实验为基础,验证汽化程序三维计算的可靠性与有效性;通过瞬态数值计算,讨论筒底注水角度对导弹、内外筒热环境和导弹载荷特性的影响规律。分析表明:发射筒内发生了显著的汽化反应;导弹及发射系统总体热环境得到了显著改善,实现了发射系统持续降温的目的;在筒底注水后,弹底的附加推力及火箭发动机的推力有一定增加,随着注水量的减少,注水对导弹载荷的影响越来越弱。Abstract: Based on the homogeneous multiphase theory and vaporization solving program of liquid water, the three-dimensional model of the gas-liquid two-phase fluid dynamics for new concentric canister launcher (CCL) self-launching system was built using the dynamic mesh technology of spring-based smoothing method and laying-based zone moving method. The reliability and validity of the three dimensional calculation of the vaporization program were verified by the experiment of injecting liquid water into the free rocket jet. Transient numerical calculation was carried out, and the influences of the water injection angle on the thermal environment of the launching system and the load characteristics of the missile were discussed. Analysis shows that obvious vaporization reaction occurred in the launch tube, in the -30 degree water injection scheme, the gas-liquid two-phase mixing was sufficient, and the transverse cooling range of the cylinder was more uniform; the overall thermal environment of the missile and launching system was improved significantly, and the goal of continuously cooling the launching system was achieved; after the water injection at the cylinder bottom, the additional thrust and the thrust of the rocket engine increased, with the decrease of the water injection quantity, and the influence of the water injection on the missile load was increasingly weaker.
表 1 压力与水的饱和温度和汽化潜热数据关系
Table 1. Relation between pressure and water saturation temperature and latent heat of vaporization
/(kJ·kg-1)0.001 279.98 2484.5 0.002 290.51 2459.8 0.003 297.98 2444.2 0.009 316.79 2397.5 0.010 318.83 2392.6 0.015 327.00 2372.9 0.050 354.35 2305.4 0.060 358.95 2293.7 0.070 362.96 2283.4 0.080 366.51 2274.3 0.090 369.71 2265.9 0.100 372.63 2258.2 0.250 400.43 2181.8 0.300 406.54 2164.1 0.350 411.88 2148.2 0.700 437.96 2065.8 0.800 443.42 2047.5 0.900 448.36 2030.4 1.000 452.88 2014.4 1.100 457.06 1999.3 1.200 460.96 1985.0 1.800 480.10 1910.5 1.900 482.79 1899.6 2.000 485.37 1888.8 3.000 506.84 1793.5 3.500 515.54 1751.5 4.000 523.33 1711.9 5.000 536.33 1638.2 6.000 548.56 1569.4 7.000 558.80 1503.7 13.000 603.81 1129.4 14.000 609.63 1065.5 15.000 615.12 990.4 20.000 638.71 585.0 21.000 642.79 448.0 22.000 646.68 184.8 表 2 观测点温度
Table 2. Temperature at observation points
观测点 T/K ε/% 实验[21] 计算 A 545 590 8.26 B 535 570 6.54 C 520 550 5.77 D 515 535 3.74 表 3 注水方案对应参数
Table 3. Corresponding parameters of water injection project
方案 n α/(°) β/(°) $ {{{\mathit{\dot{m}}}}_{\rm{w}}}$ v/(m·s-1) cosβcosα cosβsinα sinβ 1 4 45 0 56.00 35.000 -0.707 -0.707 0.000 2 4 45 -30 56.00 40.415 -0.612 -0.612 -0.500 3 4 45 -45 56.00 49.498 -0.500 -0.500 -0.707 4 4 45 -60 56.00 70.000 -0.353 -0.353 -0.866 -
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