Trend removing methods of vibration signals of deep hole bench blasting in near field
摘要: 基于深孔台阶爆破近区大量实测振动信号,总结了趋势项产生的原因主要为大振幅脉冲输入下的非线性失真及低频干扰叠加,在此基础上以测试仪器有效监测范围作为识别趋势项组成部分的判别准则。利用集合经验模态分解(ensemble empirical mode decomposition,EEMD)、小波分解等信号分析手段,提出了以固有模态函数(intrinsic mode function,IMF)的频带分布为指标、人工判别的趋势项去除方法,以及基于自相关分析识别噪声特征的小波阈值去噪方法。实例证明该方法切实有效,可实现爆破信号的批量化预处理。Abstract: Based on a large number of measured vibration signals of deep hole bench blasting in near field, this paper has contributed the trend mainly to the nonlinear distortion and the low frequency interference superposition with a large amplitude pulse input. On this basis, the effective monitoring range of test instruments has been chosen as criteria to identify the part of the trend. Using ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD), the wavelet analysis, and other signal analysis methods, a trend elimination method is proposed here, which is based on the combination of the frequency band distribution of each intrinsic mode function component and artificial identification. In addition, a wavelet threshold denoising method is also proposed based on autocorrelation analysis to identify noise characteristics. Examples show that the methods are effective and can be realized by batch pretreatment of blasting signals.
Key words:
- near field /
- blasting vibration /
- trend /
- EEMD /
- autocorrelation analysis /
- wavelet /
- denoising
表 1 信号测试条件
Table 1. Conditions of the test signal
测区 爆心距/m 最大段药量/kg 近区 65 2280 表 2 各IMF分量主频
Table 2. Dominant frequency of each IMF component
IMF分量 主频/Hz IMF1 33.40 IMF2 14.40 IMF3 39.20 IMF4 32.40 IMF5 36.40 IMF6 19.40 IMF7 10.40 IMF8 7.60 IMF9 1.60 IMF10 1.00 IMF11 0.80 IMF12 0.60 IMF13 0.40 IMF14 0.20 r 0.00 -
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