Numerical research on response of hybrid corrugated sandwich plates subjected to combined blast and fragment loadings
摘要: 通过有限元软件LS-DYNA模拟了波纹杂交夹层板在冲击波与破片联合作用下的响应过程,研究了炸药当量、载荷类型和填充方式对波纹杂交夹层板变形与失效模式的影响,并与实体板、间隔板和波纹夹层板的抗联合毁伤性能进行了对比,讨论了波纹杂交夹层板的能量吸收特性。数值计算结果表明:与冲击波单独作用相比,破片群单独作用和冲击波与破片联合作用对结构造成的毁伤更为严重;当药量较小时,波纹夹层板和波纹杂交夹层板的抗联合毁伤性能优于实体板与间隔板,波纹杂交夹层板的抗联合毁伤性能从全填充、迎爆面填充到背爆面填充逐渐降低;当药量较大时,所有结构均产生破口失效;在能量耗散方面,冲击波单独作用时以波纹芯层吸能为主,破片群单独作用和冲击波与破片联合作用时以上面板吸能为主。Abstract: The dynamic response of hybrid corrugated sandwich plates subjected to combined effects of blast and fragment loading was analyzed using finite element analysis code LS-DYNA. The effects of charge mass, loading type and filling strategy on deformation/failure pattern of hybrid corrugated sandwich plates were investigated. The comparison of anti combined loadings performance to three equivalent structures (solid plate, double-layered plate and corrugated sandwich plate) was made. Finally, the energy absorption characteristics of hybrid corrugated sandwich panels were discussed. Numerical results show that the damage extent of hybrid corrugated sandwich plates under bare fragment cluster loading or combined blast and fragment loading is more severe than that caused by bare blast loading. When the charge mass is small, the performances of corrugated sandwich plate and hybrid corrugated sandwich plate are superior to equivalent solid plate and double-layered plate. The corrugated sandwich panels with fully filling configuration possess the best damage resistance, followed by that with upper space filling configuration, and that with lower space filling configuration has the worst. All the structures fractured catastrophically when the charge mass is large. For energy absorption, the corrugated core is the main energy absorption part under bare blast loading, while the front face becomes the main energy absorption part under the other two loading conditions.
表 1 计算工况及数值结果
Table 1. Computational conditions and numerical results
工况编号 W/g n 填充方式 中心点最大形变/mm 破损形式/塑性应变 变形能/kJ f b f b c f b c foam HP-1 166 121 F - - 破口 破口 破口 16.644 9.460 4.088 2.424 HP-2 166 121 U - - 破口 破口 破口 16.744 8.176 3.604 1.556 HP-3 166 121 L - - 破口 破口 破口 15.920 7.416 4.068 0.812 HP-4 0 121 F - - 破口 破口 破口 15.824 8.972 3.848 2.240 HP-5 166 0 F - 19.15 破口 破口 损伤 6.404 7.240 2.056 1.916 HP-6 111 121 F - 23.12 破口 破口 损伤 14.304 8.044 3.180 2.104 HP-7 111 121 U - 23.47 破口 破口 损伤 14.600 7.328 2.516 1.336 HP-8 111 121 L - - 破口 破口 破口 13.756 6.412 3.180 0.624 HP-9 0 121 F - 22.98 破口 破口 损伤 13.600 7.276 3.012 1.924 HP-10 111 0 F - 15.40 破口 破口 损伤 5.140 6.308 1.488 1.776 HP-11 55 121 F - 15.97 破口 破口 0.420 9.616 5.376 1.184 1.556 HP-12 55 121 U - 16.61 破口 破口 损伤 9.472 4.652 0.896 1.024 HP-13 55 121 L - 17.21 破口 破口 损伤 9.100 4.384 1.348 0.612 HP-14 0 121 F - 15.60 破口 破口 0.395 9.544 5.284 1.084 1.492 HP-15 55 0 F 22.57 7.60 0.420 损伤 0.289 2.568 3.904 0.548 1.476 EP-1 166 121 - - - 破口 破口 破口 16.052 7.344 3.356 - EP-2 111 121 - - 23.16 破口 破口 损伤 13.160 6.200 2.280 - EP-3 55 121 - - 15.82 破口 破口 0.273 9.096 3.560 0.868 - GP-1 166 121 - - - 破口 破口 - 20.244 - 5.852 - GP-2 111 121 - - 32.28 破口 破口 - 16.828 - 5.204 - GP-3 55 121 - - 22.07 破口 0.394 - 11.892 - 1.840 - SP-1 166 121 - - - 破口 - - 28.584 - - - SP-2 111 121 - - - 破口 - - 23.744 - - - SP-3 55 121 - 23.41 - 损伤 - - 13.876 - - - -
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