Flame propagation velocities of cornstarch dust explosion based on RGB color model
摘要: 采用小尺度粉尘爆炸实验装置对不同质量浓度的玉米淀粉爆燃火焰传播过程进行了实验研究,建立了基于RGB颜色模型的火焰重构及形态学重建的粉尘火焰传播速度计算方法,计算了不同质量浓度下的玉米淀粉爆燃火焰传播速度。结果表明:采用基于RGB颜色模型的速度计算方法能够快速准确地计算出玉米淀粉爆燃火焰传播速度,火焰像素范围的确定是火焰速度计算的关键;管道内火焰传播速度受粉尘云质量浓度的影响,最大火焰传播速度随粉尘云质量浓度的增大先增大后减小,到达速度峰值的时间先缩短后增长,当质量浓度为0.63 kg/m3时,出现该实验条件下火焰传播速度最大值7.03 m/s。Abstract: In order to study the flame propagation process of cornstarch dust explosion, a series of experiments with different dust concentrations were conducted in a small-scale experimental platform. A computational method of the propagation velocity of cornstarch dust explosion flame was established based on the RGB color model. The flame front could be detected by flame recognition and reconstruction and the propagation velocities of dust explosion flame with different mass concentrations were calculated. The results shows that this method can be used to calculate the propagation velocity of the cornstarch dust explosion flame quickly and accurately. The determination of the flame pixel range is the key factor of the flame speed calculation. The flame propagation process in the duct is influenced by the dust concentration. The maximum flame propagation velocities increase firstly and then decrease with the increasing concentration of cornstarch dust cloud. However, the times of the maximum flame propagation velocities have the opposite rules. The maximum flame propagation velocity is up to 7.03 m/s, when the mass concentration of cornstarch dust cloud is 0.63 kg/m3.
Key words:
- dust explosion /
- flame propagation velocity /
- flame images /
- RGB color model
表 1 不同粉尘云质量浓度下两种方法得到的火焰传播平均速度的对比
Table 1. Comparison of mean flame propagtion velocities at different dust mass concentrations by two measurement methods
序号 ρ/(kg·m-3) v/(m·s-1) εv/% RGB模型 方法[1] 1 0.36 2.08 1.99 4.52 2 0.50 2.10 2.09 0.48 3 0.63 2.63 2.52 3.57 4 0.82 2.40 2.34 2.56 -
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