Numerical simulation of strain threshold of monolithic tempered glass under blast wave
摘要: 借助ANSYS/LS-DYNA程序,采用Lagrange方法描述钢化玻璃,引入侵蚀算法来模拟钢化玻璃的破坏,对爆炸冲击波载荷进行合理的简化,选取最大伸长线应变理论作为单层钢化玻璃破坏准则。利用建立的模型对爆炸冲击波对单层钢化玻璃的作用过程进行了数值模拟。通过反复调试和大量计算得到单层钢化玻璃破坏的应变阈值为0.002 2,并用场地实验结果对数值结果进行了验证,证明此结果是合理的。
- 钢化玻璃 /
- 应变阈值 /
- Lagrange方法 /
- 侵蚀算法
Abstract: In this study, based on ANSYS/LS-DYNA, we described the tempered glass using the Lagrange method, reasonably simplified the blast wave load by simulating the failure of the tempered glass using the erosion algorithm, with the maximum elongation line strain theory used as the failure criterion for the monolithic tempered glass. We then simulated the monolithic tempered glass under the blast wave using model thus established. Through a large number of debugging and calculations, we identified the strain threshold of the failure of the monolithic tempered glass as 0.002 2. The numerical results were verified by the experimental results and proved as reasonable.-
Key words:
- tempered glass /
- strain threshold /
- Lagrange method /
- erosion algorithm
表 1 实验结果
Table 1. Experiment results
实验 W/kg R/m (RW-1/3)/(m·kg-1/3) pm/kPa t+/ms I/(kPa·ms) 玻璃状态 5 5 12 7.0 57.5 5.7 164.2 未破坏 7 5 11 6.4 69.4 5.4 188.6 破坏 表 2 不同应变阈值下模拟结果与实验结果对比
Table 2. Comparison of simulation results at different strain thresholds with experiments
εth 玻璃状况 实验5 数值模拟5 实验7 数值模拟7 0.000 5 未破坏 破坏 破坏 破坏 0.001 0 未破坏 破坏 破坏 破坏 0.002 0 未破坏 破坏 破坏 破坏 0.003 0 未破坏 未破坏 破坏 未破坏 表 3 不同应变阈值下模拟结果与实验结果对比
Table 3. Comparison of simulation results at different strain thresholds with experiments
εth 数值模拟5 数值模拟7 玻璃状况对比 pm/kPa I/(kPa·ms) pm/kPa I/(kPa·ms) 实验5 实验7 0.002 2 57 171 70 210 一致 一致 0.002 4 57 171 70 210 一致 不一致 0.002 6 57 171 70 210 一致 不一致 0.002 8 57 171 70 210 一致 不一致 -
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