Research progress of composite sandwich structure in ship collision protection
摘要: 为了提高舰艇的碰撞防护能力,已发展了各种舰艇碰撞防护方法。传统的碰撞防护手段会使舰艇重量大幅增加,影响舰艇总体性能。复合材料夹层结构的出现给舰艇碰撞防护结构设计提供了另外一条途径,成为近期国内外相关研究的热点。本文以舰艇碰撞防护为背景,从复合材料夹层结构的低速冲击实验方法、变形损伤机理、冲击吸能影响因素、分析研究方法等几方面进行回顾、总结和归纳,并对今后的研究方向进行展望。Abstract: In this paper, various collision protection methods were presented to ameliorate naval ships' collision protective capability. Conventional collision protection methods may result in the increase of the ship's weight and reduction of its functional performance. Composite sandwich plates serve as a new approach to the design of the collision protection structure, and have become one of the hottest research topics worldwide. With naval ships' collision resistance as its academic background, this paper reviewed the recent advances in the areas of experimental methods, deformation damage mechanisms, energy absorption factors, analysis methods and offered suggestions of future research directions in composite sandwich plates.
Key words:
- composite material /
- sandwich structure /
- ship collision /
- deformation modes /
- damage mechanisms
表 1 典型抗冲击纤维力学性能
Table 1. Mechanical properties of typical impact-resistant fibers
纤维类型 典型产品 密度/
聚乙烯纤维迪力玛SK60 0.97 2.7 87 3.5 9.5 迪力玛SK65 0.97 3.0 95 3.6 9.8 迪力玛SK66 0.97 3.1 100 3.5 10.0 迪力玛SK75 0.97 3.4 107 3.8 11.0 迪力玛SK76 0.97 3.6 116 3.8 12.0 芳纶纤维 凯芙拉129 1.44 3.38 83 3.3 8.2 凯芙拉KM2 1.44 3.43 64 4.3 6.5 特沃纶CT 1.44 3.3 90 3.3 7.9 特沃纶HM 1.45 2.8 121 2.1 9.1 碳纤维 碳纤维HS 1.78 3.4 240 1.4 11.5 碳纤维HM 1.85 2.3 390 0.5 14.5 PBO(聚对苯撑
苯并二噁唑)纤维柴隆HM 1.56 5.8 280 2.5 13.5 聚芳酯纤维 维克特拉HT 1.44 3.30 76 3.8 7.28 聚乙烯醇纤维 异丁嗪7901 1.32 2.5 39 5.2 - 尼龙66 HT 1.14 1.0 5 18.2 2.0 玻璃纤维 E 2.55 2.0 73 2.0 - -
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