Dynamic constitutive relation based on J-C model of Q235 steel
摘要: 采用万能材料试验机、分离式霍普金森压杆和拉杆系统,研究了Q235钢在常温至900 ℃的准静态和动态压缩及拉伸力学性能。基于实验结果,修正了Johnson-Cook(J-C)本构模型中的温度软化项,提出了Q235钢的修正J-C本构模型,并利用Taylor撞击实验和数值仿真验证了其动态本构关系。
- 动态力学性能 /
- 本构关系 /
- Taylor撞击 /
- Q235钢 /
- Johnson-Cook本构模型
Abstract: In this paper, we studied the quasi-static performance and the dynamic compression and tensile properties of the Q235 steel at temperatures ranging from the room temperature to 900 ℃ using a universal testing machine and the split Hopkinson bar system. Based on the experimental results, we modified the thermal softening item in the Johnson-Cook (J-C) constitutive model and proposed a revised J-C constitutive model for Q235 steel, which we then validated using Taylor impact experiments and corresponding numerical simulations. -
表 1 Q235钢的本构模型参数
Table 1. Parameters of constitutive model for Q235 steel
ρ/(g·cm-3) E/GPa ν Tr/K Tm/K ${{\dot{\varepsilon }}_{0}}$/s-1 χ cp/(J·kg-1·K-1) 7.8 200 0.33 293 1 795 2.1×10-3 0.9 469 A/MPa B/MPa n C m1 m2 m 293.8 230.2 0.578 0.065 2 1.762 1.278 0.706 -
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