Enhancement of axial lethality of warhead
摘要: 基于预制破片技术的杀伤战斗部周向破片场威力得到了很好的改善,但战斗部头部轴向破片较少,难以实现对空间域的完全封锁。为了改善杀伤战斗部轴向破片场分布,探索影响轴向预制破片飞散角和速度的影响因素,设计了一种轴向威力增强战斗部,通过改变战斗部头部形状、曲率半径并加装球形预制破片实现轴向威力增强。运用LS-DYNA软件对战斗部爆炸驱动全过程进行数值模拟,通过设置不同的起爆条件得到战斗部结构参数对轴向预制破片初速和飞散角的影响规律。仿真结果表明:预制破片的飞散角及速度与战斗部头部结构参数关系密切,采用圆弧形头部结构可显著提高预制破片的飞散速度和飞散角,使预制破片轴向封锁区域显著增大,大大增强战斗部轴向威力。Abstract: The lethality of the circumferential direction fragment field of the warhead has improved greatly due to the premade fragment technique, but the axial fragments are still too few to block the battle space completely. Aiming to improve the distribution of the axial fragment field of the warhead and explore the factors influencing the velocity and scattering angle of the axial premade fragments, we designed an axial forward enhanced warhead by changing the shape and curvature of its head, and displacing the premade fragment to the head of the warhead to improve its lethality in the axial direction. We simulated the whole explosive driven process using LS-DYNA, the influence of the warhead structure on the velocity, and obtained the scattering angle of the axial premade fragments by setting different initial conditions. The results show that the velocity and the scattering angle of the axial premade fragments were closely related with the warhead structure. In addition, when the arc-shaped head warhead was adopted, the velocity, scattering angle, blocking area, and the lethality of the premade fragments were all significantly ameliorated.
Key words:
- premade fragment /
- warhead /
- scattering angle
表 1 8701炸药的材料参数和状态方程参数
Table 1. Parameters of material and equation of state for 8701 explosive
ρ/(g·cm-3) D/(km·s-1) pCJ/GPa A/GPa B/GPa R1 R2 ω E0/MJ 1.787 8.39 34 581.4 6.801 4.10 1.00 0.35 0.009 表 2 壳体材料参数
Table 2. Material parameters of shell
ρ/(g·cm-3) E/GPa ν σy/GPa Etan/GPa β εf 7.83 210 0.30 0.5 4.0 0.6 0.3 表 3 平板形头部战斗部端点起爆典型位置预制破片飞散参数
Table 3. Flying parameters of premade fragment for flat head warhead
破片编号 vz/(m·s-1) v/(m·s-1) θ/(°) A2 1 430 1 530 20.82 B2 1 710 1 750 12.27 C2 1 830 1 880 13.24 D2 1 890 1 530 20.82 E2 1 980 1 990 5.70 F2 2 080 2 090 5.61 G2 2 220 2 220 0 表 4 弧形头部战斗部端点起爆典型位置预制破片飞散参数
Table 4. Flying parameters of premade fragment for arc-shaped head warhead
破片编号 R=90 mm R=45 mm vz/(m·s-1) v/(m·s-1) θ/(°) vz/(m·s-1) v/(m·s-1) θ/(°) A1 1 383 1 502 22.96 1 160 1 836 50.81 B1 1 760 1 975 26.98 1 197 1 473 35.65 C1 2 176 2 356 22.54 1 576 1 946 35.92 D1 2 355 2 448 15.08 1 728 2 062 33.07 E1 2 395 2 478 14.87 2 104 2 229 19.28 F1 2 426 2 480 11.98 2 192 2 353 21.32 G1 2 608 2 645 9.59 2 492 2 513 7.41 H1 2 595 2 608 5.72 2 572 2 583 5.29 I1 2 710 2 711 0 2 664 2 664 0 表 5 距起爆点不同距离处不同结构战斗部的预制破片分布
Table 5. Distribution of premade fragments at different positions for warhead with different head structures
战斗部类型 L=3 m L=5 m L=7 m S/m2 N/m-2 S/m2 N/m-2 S/m2 N/m-2 平板形 4.08 64 11.35 23 22.25 12 弧形, R=90 mm 7.35 24 20.35 9 39.87 4 弧形, R=45 mm 42.39 7 118.09 3 231.47 2 -
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