Microstructure and erosive resistance of wear-resistant coating on the throttling ring of gun recoil brake
摘要: 火炮驻退机的节制环经常由于冲蚀磨损导致失效。为有效减少节制环磨损程度,提高节制环的可靠性,利用材料表面强化技术,通过微弧沉积与激光熔覆2种技术工艺,制备了铜基合金和镍基合金耐磨涂层,并测试和分析了不同种类涂层的组织形貌、涂层质量及显微硬度。在制备的4种耐磨涂层中,微弧沉积铜基合金涂层和激光熔覆镍基合金涂层的性能较好。为检验合金涂层的实际耐磨性能,在驻退机内安装节制环改进件,在反后坐装置试验台上实施后坐冲击试验。从节制环改进件的磨损形貌和冲蚀磨损量等实验数据得出,激光熔覆镍基合金涂层有较好的耐磨能力,可以作为增强火炮驻退机节制环耐磨能力的有效方法。Abstract: The throttling ring is the key component of a gun recoil brake, erosion wear is the main reason for the failure of the throttling ring. In order to improve the erosive resistance ability and the inherent reliability of throttling ring, with the help of material surface strengthening technology, the wear-resistant alloy coatings on the inner diameter surface of throttling ring were prepared by micro arc deposition and laser cladding coating technology, Cu-based alloy and Ni-based alloy were selected to prepare wear-resistant coatings. Through the microstructure observation, micro hardness test and coating quality comparison of four kinds of wear-resistant coatings, two kinds of coatings were eliminated. In order to test the erosive resistance, the improvd throttling rings were installed on the recoil brake. Erosion wear tests were carried out by recoil mechanism test bench. Wear morphology and wear weight loss of improvement parts are compared under the same conditions. Finally, according to the comprehensive analysis of microstructure, microhardness, energy spectrum and erosion wear test results of wear resistant coatings, it is concluded that the Ni-based alloy coating by laser cladding technology shows the best performance in the above four types of coatings, indicating it is an effective means to improve erosive resistance of the throttling ring.
Key words:
- throttling ring /
- erosion wear /
- alloy coating /
- micro arc deposition /
- laser cladding /
- reliability
表 1 合金涂层材料成分含量表
Table 1. Element content of alloy coating
(%) 铜基合金 Ni Fe Al Cr Mo C Cu 质量分数 17.5 8.6 6.5 6.0 1.5 0.8 余量 镍基合金 Cr W Fe Cu Si C Ni 质量分数 12.0 8.5 6.0 4.2 1.6 1.0 余量 表 2 微弧沉积涂层工艺参数
Table 2. Process parameters of MAD coating
(L·min-1)80 140 3.2×80 2.0 35 2.6 12 表 3 激光熔覆涂层工艺参数
Table 3. Process parameters of laser cladding coating
粉末厚度/mm 粉末宽度/mm 透镜焦距/mm 激光功率/kW 光斑直径/mm 扫描速度/(mm·s-1) 脉宽/ms 0.4 15 165 2.5 1.75 12 10 表 4 不同合金涂层分析结果对比
Table 4. Quality comparison of four kinds of alloy coatings
样品 涂层显微组织形貌 涂层平均厚度/μm 涂层厚度均匀性 涂层显微硬度 涂层W1(铜基) 无裂纹 80 厚薄不均 560 涂层W2(镍基) 有裂纹 80 厚薄不均 630 涂层R1(铜基) 有裂纹和孔隙 140 均匀致密 440 涂层R2(镍基) 无裂纹 140 均匀致密 460 表 5 节制环改进件的性能参数
Table 5. Performance parameters of improved throttling ring
节制环改进件 涂层显微组织形貌 涂层厚度/
μm图层厚度均匀性 显微硬度 冲蚀磨损量/
(铜基合金)无裂纹、无孔隙 80 厚薄不均 560 0.47 改进件R2
(镍基合金)无裂纹、无孔隙 140 均匀致密 460 0.26 -
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