Quasi-static gas pressure generated by explosive charge blasting in a spherical explosion containment vessel
摘要: 准静态压力是爆炸容器设计的重要参考数据。在球形爆炸容器内开展了爆炸加载实验,压力传感器采用齐平和导孔两种安装方式,均获得了准静态压力数据,且两组数据一致。理论推导了准静态压力的表达式,并通过拟合实测数据得到经验公式。研究结果表明:(1)爆炸冲击波在容器内部往返3次后,容器内气体压力进入准静态;(2)准静态压力与当量容积比近似呈正比例关系,比例系数为1.10 MPa·m3/kg TNT。Abstract: Quasi-static pressure is important for the design of explosion containment vessels. Experiments of the spherical vessel under blast loading, in which the quasi-static pressure was measured by the pressure sensors of two different installations, i.e. flush installation and guide-hole installation, were carried out. The data obtained by the pressure sensors are consistent with each other. Based on the formula form derived theoretically, the empirical formula was obtained by fitting the data. The main results are as follows:(1) the pressure in the vessel goes into quasi-static state after the blast wave reflects back and forth three times in the vessel; (2) the quasi-static pressure in the spherical vessel is proportional to the explosion equivalent-to-vessel volume ratio, and the empirical coefficient is 1.10 MPa·m3/kg TNT.
表 1 压力传感器参数
Table 1. Performance parameters of pressure sensors
类型 量程/MPa 频响/kHz 上升时间/μs 非线性度 精度 压电式传感器 34.48, 68.95 500 ≤1.0 ≤1.0%Fs 0.14, 0.28 kPa 压阻式传感器 15, 40 600 ≤0.3 ≤1.0%Fs 0.5%Fs 表 2 压力传感器参数
Table 2. Quasi-static pressures obtained by pressure sensors
当量/(gTNT) 准静态压力/MPa 压电式传感器 压阻式传感器 27 0.7, 0.7, 0.6 60 1.4, 1.5 1.5, 1.2 185 2.4 3.7 370 5.5, 4.9, 5.3 5.4 -
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